UNA UServe free volunteer management certification courseThe Utah Nonprofits Association (UNA) will present The Utah Commission on Service & Volunteerism’s (UServe Utah) training course on volunteer management for volunteer coordinators, directors, managers, and volunteers who assist in Southern Utah’s nonprofit sector. The course will be held Feb. 18 and 19 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Dixie Applied Technology College’s Emergency Response Training Center, located at 610 S. Airport Rd. in St. George.

This training, sponsored by UServe Utah and UNA, is available at no cost to UNA, St. George Chamber of Commerce, and UServe members. However, pre-registration is required. Registration closes Monday, Feb. 15, at 5 p.m.

Upon completion of this certificate program, volunteer coordinators have the necessary skills to assess volunteer needs and match those needs with the strategic goals of an organization as well as developing relevant, competency-based volunteer roles and opportunities that attract and retain high-caliber volunteers to address critical social needs in their communities.

Course modules include:

— Volunteer management and organizational assessment.

— Creating a position description and volunteer application.

— Volunteer recruitment.

— Interviewing volunteers.

— Orienting and training volunteers.

— Placing and supervising volunteers.

— Volunteer motivation and retention.

— Volunteer recognition.

— Performance reviews and handling performance problems.

— Risk management in volunteer programs.

— Volunteer program evaluation.

The schedule includes breaks, continental breakfast, and snacks.

Space is limited, so please register early online at utahnonprofits.org, or by contacting UNA Southern Utah co-chair Dawn McLain at dawn@writeituponline.com or UNA professional development director Brooke Dimond at bdimond@utahnonprofits.org or (801) 596-1800.

UNA UServe free volunteer management certification courseUServe Utah’s purpose is to enable individuals, communities, and organizations in Utah to benefit from the service, power, skills, and passion of volunteers. Its vision is to have vibrant, productive communities with involved, responsible citizens that will strengthen Utah communities through the power of service and volunteerism.

UNA UServe free volunteer management certification courseUNA is the umbrella membership association of nonprofit organizations in Utah. Incorporated in 1990, UNA was created by and for people who strive for a stronger, more professional nonprofit community in Utah.

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