Another illegal immigrant caravan moves north
The savage response of the Trump administration to last November’s illegal immigrant caravan was such an object lesson for potential lawbreakers that the newest Illegal Alien Reunion Tour making its way through Mexico is 30 percent larger.
AFP estimated the 2018 horde totaled 7,000 potential recipients of Uncle Sam’s largesse. Jeff Bezos’s WoePost reports that the latest herd may number over 10,000.
Another Trump crackdown on illegal immigrants like that and we can just deed Texas over to the good folks in Honduras.
It’s ironic that Uncle Sam’s illegal immigrant problems were initially caused by migrant workers moving north to help with the harvest of tomatoes and cantaloupes. Now our high-profile illegal immigration problems are caused by migrant social workers moving south to harvest the next caravan of so-called “asylum seekers.”
And don’t be misled by the Opposition Media. Illegal immigrants, unaccompanied minors, and “asylum seekers” are a cash crop much more valuable than the tomatoes that are supposed to rot in the field if our borders aren’t kept open.
Nonprofit organizations, lawyers, federal employees, and other components of the illegal-industrial complex are paid millions to service the needs of people who don’t deserve to be in the U.S. in the first place. Salaries for all the do-gooders-at-our-expense, housing for illegal immigrants, transportation for illegal immigrants, food for the illegal immigrants … after a while, it all adds up.
It’s a perverse incentive for continued lawbreaking when a captured illegal immigrants is allowed to stay in the U.S. while his case adds to the constipation clogging immigration courts. Particularly since getting into the U.S. was his goal all along.
It’s like allowing the Los Angeles Rams to commit a flagrant interference penalty against the New Orleans Saints in the NFC championship game and letting the Rams go to the Super Bowl while the Goodell brain trust dithers over what to do about it.
You can see why the Trump decision to release “asylum seekers” and others into Mexico, instead of the U.S., was so controversial. It’s fine for a migrant social worker to go caravan harvesting down south, but the compassion complex that processes the crop doesn’t want to do so on the wrong side of the border.
Trump’s sensible decision prompted 2020 leftist presidential aspirant Julian Castro to make a suggestion with which I partially agreed. Castro told “Face the Nation” that he wants to put ankle monitors on illegal immigrants. That way, “you’re able to monitor where people are in the country.”
As long as the country where they’re waiting is Mexico, I could care less about their precise location. I want monitors acting more like the buzzers at Fuddruckers one gets while awaiting an order. Once it starts buzzing, you pick up your burger. When the illegal immigrant’s buzzes, he reports to court. In the meantime, he’s off the taxpayer’s dime.
Unfortunately, none of this will be done, and Trump won’t get our wall. The federal government has no interest in solving illegal immigration. When Democrats say they support border security, they’re lying. And when the Republican leadership says they support border security, they’re lying, too.
Seven of the 9/11 hijackers either overstayed their visas or made fraudulent visa applications. The deaths of 2,980 Americans weren’t enough to motivate Congress to solve the visa overstay problem.
It would be simple to require visitors from nations with a significant number of visa overstays to post a bond. Hasn’t happened. Requiring DHS to match entry and exit records would give an accurate overstay count. Hasn’t happened. Almost 3,000 dead isn’t enough motivation.
It’s the same with illegal alien crime. The deaths, rapes, robberies, and assaults aren’t in one fell swoop, like 9/11, but are rather a steady flow that Congress also ignores. Co-conspirators say illegal immigrants are no more likely to commit a crime than citizens.
That’s another lie. John R. Lott, Jr. analyzed the illegal crime data and the numbers are shocking.
Lott found, “Compared to American citizens, illegal aliens are more than twice as likely to be convicted for armed robbery, child molestation, and for sexual assault … nearly three times as likely to be convicted of murder and manslaughter … more than four times as likely to be convicted of a drive-by shooting, and for extortion … [and] more than five times as likely to be convicted of kidnapping.”
His conclusion? “If illegal aliens committed crime nationally as they do in Arizona, in 2016 they would have been responsible for over 1,000 more murders, 5,200 rapes, 8,900 robberies, 25,300 aggravated assaults, and 26,900 burglaries.”
That’s why we need the wall, accelerated deportations, mandatory E-Verify for jobs, an end to anchor babies, and a tax on remittances. Maybe you should ask your member of Congress why citizens don’t have any of those protections. Are they representing U.S. citizens or Latin America?
The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent.
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