Best Friends and SUU team up for Best Friends Executive Leadership Certification
Best Friends and SUU team up for Best Friends Executive Leadership Certification

Best Friends and SUU team up for Best Friends Executive Leadership Certification

By Barbara Williamson

Best Friends Animal Society and Southern Utah University announced the nation’s first university-endorsed animal services leadership program for working professionals. The Best Friends Executive Leadership Certification is a comprehensive, six-month blended learning program utilizing in-person and online interactive instruction. Training top-level leaders in animal services throughout the nation, the goal of the program is to end the killing of companion animals in shelters.

“Best Friends is a game changer in animal welfare, pushing animal services toward life saving efforts as opposed to control and disposal,” said Best Friends CEO Julie Castle. “There are now more than 4,700 no-kill communities in this country. This new leadership program is rooted in proven animal services techniques, skills, programs and policies and is pivotal in transforming animal services as a profession and ending the killing of pets in shelters. We are excited to be engaged in such a powerful academic partnership.”

The ultimate objectives of the BFELC are to create organizational action, professional development, and business plans. The program connects participants with innovators and national experts in animal services and offers templates, models, checklists, case studies, and resources necessary to replicate and implement change in their respective organizations and communities.

SUU will award an institutional certificate and up to six academic credits to those who complete the BFELC. Beyond the program and dependent upon educational backgrounds and goals, participants will have opportunities to earn additional academic credits that may be applied toward SUU bachelor’s or master’s degree programs.

For example, if a participant attends the Best Friends Animal Society’s annual conference, he will have the opportunity to earn additional credits. Participants may apply earned credits toward one of more than 140 SUU undergraduate programs. For those seeking graduate degrees, credit application options include master’s degrees in interdisciplinary studies, public administration, or business administration.

“Southern Utah University has been at the forefront of innovation and educational excellence for years, and I am beyond thrilled to be partnering with them on this history-making program,” said Castle. “The Executive Leadership Certification offers clarity on what success looks like in animal services as a profession by examining real-life examples of data-driven, proven strategies from across the nation.”

“This is an exciting partnership for both organizations,” said SUU President Scott L Wyatt. “Best Friends is known for its pioneering work in animal welfare and commitment to the same innovation and learning as we are. Our aim is to provide lifelong learning solutions, and we value this recognition by Best Friends for our educational offerings, student success, and neighboring location in this beautiful area of the country.”

Additionally, SUU is currently developing a customized track in the field of leadership development for animal services professionals.

“We are very proud to begin providing leadership development for animal services professionals and look forward to continuing to work with Best Friends to implement learning opportunities that speak to their needs,” said Jean Boreen, dean of the SUU College of Humanities and Social Sciences.

More information about the partnership and educational program details is available at

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