BLM conducts prescribed burn south of Fredonia
By Rachel Carnahan
The Bureau of Land Management’s Arizona Strip Field Office is planning to burn slash and vegetation debris in an area located 30 miles south of Fredonia, Arizona, in the Kanab Creek riparian corridor. High winds impeded the completion of the burn project in October and have necessitated postponing the burn into the month of November. The intent of the burn is to dispose of cut trees and limbs from the invasive tamarisk that is being removed to restore and enhance riparian habitat in the Kanab Creek drainage.
Prescribed burns are subject to strict rules related to weather and environmental factors. BLM fire personnel will monitor on-site conditions and manage prescribed fire activity before, during, and after ignition operations. Any smoke present during the project will be managed in accordance with Arizona Department of Environmental Quality regulations.
No closures are anticipated, but public access in this remote area may be restricted during ignition and periods of active fire to ensure public safety. Signs will be posted to notify the public.
During the days when burning is taking place, information will be available at inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/6267.