BLM invites public comment on proposed Colorado City Airport land conveyance
By Rachel Carnahan
The Bureau of Land Management seeks public comment on the proposed conveyance of approximately 141 acres of public land to the town of Colorado City, Arizona, in order for the town to comply with Federal Aviation Administration safety zone recommendations at the Colorado City Airport.
The town requested the conveyance in order to ensure lands adjacent to the airport in the Object Free Area, Runway Visibility Zone, and Runway Protection Zone are free from obstructions that could pose aviation safety concerns.
“The BLM prioritizes being a good neighbor and supporting efforts to modernize America’s infrastructure,” said Arizona Strip field manager Lorraine Christian. “We believe the proposed conveyance would have substantial, positive impacts for the airport, the community and the visitors who fly into the area each year for business and to access nearby recreation areas like Water and Squirrel Canyons and Zion and Grand Canyon National Parks.”
The conveyance is consistent with the BLM’s 2008 Arizona Strip Field Office Resource Management Plan, which states that public land would be made available for airport expansion at the existing Colorado City Airport.
As part of its decision-making process, the Arizona Strip Field Office will consider public comments on the proposed airport conveyance. Comments may be submitted by mail and email. The comment period ends Jan. 9.
Written comments may be mailed to Lorraine M. Christian, Arizona Strip Field Office, at 345 E. Riverside Dr., St. George, UT 84790. Comments may also be faxed to (435) 688-3258 or emailed to blm_az_asdo_comments@blm.gov. All comments will be made available to the public.
A Notice of Realty Action for the Proposed Town of Colorado City, Arizona Airport Conveyance was published in the Federal Register Nov. 25.
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