cartoon Dick Cheney foreign policyFrom cartoonist Clay Jones about ‘Endorsed by the Dark Overlord,’ Dick Cheney, and foreign policy

If Dick Cheney was a dentist, he’d be that one out of five that’d recommend brushing your teeth with sugar and battery acid.

At least George W. Bush has the dignity to sit in a bathtub and paint portraits of his toes instead of giving lousy advice on foreign policy.

Whenever I hear conservatives disagree with Obama and tell us how to avoid war, I really want to throw something at their head. You were the guys who told us invading Iraq was a great idea. You went to bat for that. You sold it. You carried it. You swore by it. You bled for it…not literally…you sent other people to bleed for it.

Iraq cost us thousands of lives, tens of thousands of Iraqi lives, wounded many Americans who lost limbs and will be physically and emotionally scared forever, destabilized the Mideast, gave us ISIS, scattered refugees throughout Europe, ruined our economy and put us deeper in debt. How dare you even state an opinion on the U.S. and war.

Seriously, you need to sit down, drink a huge glass of shut the Hell up and let other people make decisions on keeping our country safe because you suck at it.

Dick Cheney was wrong on EVERYTHING. He was wrong about weapons of mass destruction. He was wrong about Iraq’s connections to Al Qaeda. He was wrong about the cost of the war. He was wrong about how we’d be greeted. He was wrong about disassembling Iraq’s military. Cheney was wrong so often on the Iraq War that one needs a score card for all the points where he was wrong. But that old war profiteer was probably right about how much money his buddies would make on the operation through no-bid contracts.

The man is a war profiteer. He and his friends have made millions in blood money. It’s what he does.

Now he tells us we can’t trust this Iran deal. They say with this deal Iran is on the path to nuclear weapons. What kind of path are they on without the deal? Never mind that Iran went from zero to 5,000 centrifuges during the Bush/Cheney administration.

I think Cheney had a reality transplant.

I would put more faith in Dick Cheney growing a natural afro than in him ever being right about foreign policy.

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