cjones09072016-1-2From Clay Jones on his cartoon “Air Force Funk.”

President Obama had one awkward moment after another during his attendance to the G20 summit in China.

Upon landing the Chinese government refused to roll out the fancy stairs with the red carpet for the president to exit Air Force One. He was forced to use the back exit and roll-out steps usually reserved for schmoes like Newt Gingrich and Ted Cruz.

There was a tiff on the tarmac as Chinese guards has a heated exchange with U.S. reporters and national security adviser Susan Rice.

He was scheduled to have a meeting with Rodrigo Duterte, president of the Philippines, but he cancelled after Mr. Duterte, who was obviously reading from a Trump campaign script, called Obama “son of a whore.”

Feeling needier than a Facebook selfie poster North Korea test fired a few missiles toward Japan during the summit.

At this level of disrespect I’m kinda surprised they didn’t tell Obama, and only Obama, that the summit would also be a costume party. I hate when that happens.

Of course Donald Trump had something to say about it. He said if he was ever dissed by a lack of stairs that he would have had the jet leave the offending country. Can you imagine the tweets if such a thing happens? It’s also good information for other nations if Trump actually becomes president.

They can roll out a little mattress for him to land on.

Air Force Funk


CARTOON: “Blame It On Rio”

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