The United States, through its Constitution, originated as a republic; but through inadvertence, the framers left an open door that has allowed the death of the republic and the birth of social fascism to come about.
This new political concept was the fault of the First Amendment, which allows the government to move to the right or left by popular ideas. To the far left, we have socialism, which is communism without a revolution. To the far right, we have fascism, which is exemplified by the merger of government with big business and the emergence of a police state.
To understand how we have moved to where we are today, simply picture a circle: at the very top or pinnacle of this circle, we have our republic. The liberals have been moving the government to the left and down the arc of the circle, while on the right we have the conservatives moving the government down the arc of the circle to the far right. At the bottom of the circle, both the right and the left will meet.
Where the circle meets at the bottom is a new form of political environment. This change in our political framework has been responsible for the death of the republic and the birth of social fascism, a new political archetype.
America has been struggling with this right-left movement since the latter part of the nineteenth century. In the early twentieth century, both communism and fascism vied for political dominance of the U.S. with fascism actually going so far as an attempt to take over the White House in a failed coup d’etat in the 1933 conspiracy known as the Business Plot.
The communists actually made advancements in areas of needed law: child labor laws, the union shops and collective bargaining, and the movement for women’s right to vote.
The right countered by engaging the government to break up striking workers by protectionism in the form of legislation, which brought in the National Labor Relations Board, which has such a short fuse that by the time a worker realizes he has a claim, in most cases the claim is barred by the statute of limitations.
Competing forces are moving our republic into a state of non-existence.
As we move more to the left and have now brought in socialized medicine, doctors are retiring in vast numbers, and there is now a national movement and requirement for nurse practitioners to fill the gap.
Meanwhile, the right has moved to protect big business by creating opportunity to outsource more American jobs so that big business can grow even larger and make even greater profits while the U.S. welfare state continues to grow.
What is interesting is the control Wall Street exerts over both political parties. They used Obama and his trade agreement, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), to outsource more American jobs backed by the party of big business: the Republicans.
Obama has shown no measure of concern for American jobs, instead providing free perks for anyone who enrolls in one of the many welfare programs.
When we look at how all this has come about and how we have lost our republic, the fault lies directly at the feet of our founding fathers.
They were so set that we should have freedom of the press but so naive to believe that the press would not be the first to be taken over and used to seduce the people away from what they actually wanted toward what the media told them was for their best interests and their own good.
The First Amendment has been the catalyst that provided the political conundrum, allowing the advancement of ideas foreign to the established form our government was to be.
Although we are precluded to advance a political change by revolution, the advancement of that goal is allowed by popular ideas and by whom we elect and how their ideas shape their own political policy and ours.
Now we have come to the near end of the circle, that point where the right and left meet. We have two socialists on the left vying for their party’s nomination. On the right, we have the making of a complete big business takeover of a political party by using religion as the framework to evoke and sensitize a false movement. This has been a carefully planned diversion by both political parties who in the long run are actually both controlled by the same Wall Street financiers.
Obama is not the first to engage the dual political philosophy of social fascism, but he is the first to openly acknowledge, by his acts and deeds, its existence.
Obama has intentionally, to the aid of his Wall Street cronies, made trade pacts with such countries as Malaysia, where slave labor earns the equivalent of $1 U.S. a week, if they are paid at all.
As Stan Sorscher mentioned earlier this year, Malaysia and Vietnam are two countries involved in the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership. The U.S. Department of State has ranked countries according to their role in human trafficking as outlined in the U.S. Trafficking Victims Protection Act. Vietnam is in Tier 2, which means that while human trafficking is a problem there, it’s worse elsewhere. However, Malaysia is on the Tier 3 list of the worst countries.
Malaysia had previously ranked as a Tier 2 nation along with Vietnam. However, in its 2014 report, the State Department demoted Malaysia to Tier 3 due to its long history of human trafficking, forced labor, child labor, and sex trafficking.
Who wins and who loses doesn’t matter. The real winner in either case will be Wall Street by their revolving door policy where money is more than just talk: it is a way of life. Wall Street, like all banking empires (and don’t think for one moment Wall Street isn’t an empire on its own), rewards their White House and Congressional lackeys with even more money and thereby controls our government.
They actually tax us through their control over the Federal Reserve. They print the paper using our credit, and we pay the interest they charge.
In short, this has gone too far to be reversed without the people rising up and saying we have had enough; but then with 35.4 percent of us receiving some sort of government subsidy that likelihood is no longer a reality.
I am reminded of this famous quote alleged to be a maxim of the House of Rothschild:
Let us control the money of a nation, and we care not who makes its laws.
It could very well be the maxim of Wall Street today.
Very well-written and put together. My favorite of yours so far. Thanks!!
I agree with Josh. In contrast to most of Ferm’s columns, I can’t find a lot to disagree with here. (I actually feel kind of disappointed, but what the hey. Even a broken clock is correct twice a day.)
The one thing I do disagree with is Ferm’s totally unsupported jab at President Obama. I don’t agree with Obama all the time, but he’s not the great Satan that both Ferm and the Ayatollah Khamenei say he is. Obama is doing a pretty good job, considering the eight-year guerrilla war that the Republicans in Congress have waged against him. He got us out of Bush’s depression, for example.
I can’t sign off without pointing out another example of Ferm’s habit of mixing truth with conspiracy fable to make the fable more believable. He claims there was a right-wing plot take over the government: “1933 conspiracy known as the Business Plot.” His OWN REFERENCE states, “At the time of the incidents, news media dismissed the plot, with a New York Times editorial characterizing it as a ‘gigantic hoax’. While historians have questioned whether or not a coup was actually close to execution, most agree that some sort of ‘wild scheme’ was contemplated and discussed.”
Not everything is an actual conspiracy, Jack! Some things are just ‘wild schemes’ and we shouldn’t pay much attention to them.
So, Mr Mabbutt if you truly believe that Obama is doing a pretty good job — then the chemtrails and fluoride are working!
Fluoride is working great! Teeth are in fine shape. (I have no idea what “chamtrails” are.)