Do non-Mormons face discrimination in Southern Utah?

By Michael Flynn

“It is oppressive to live in the city of St. George as a non-Mormon,” St. George City Council applicant Tara Dunn announced to a crowd comprised of some of Southern Utah’s most influential people, many of whom are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Her words seemed to hang in the air on Jan. 23 during the brief but tense pause that followed her speech in the St. George City Council chambers. Many were shocked to hear such strongly worded criticism of Latter-day Saint culture. Some were offended at what they felt was an attack on the LDS faith itself.

“I thought it was repulsive,” said St. George City Councilman Gil Almquist, who also serves as the president of a local LDS stake. “I felt very misunderstood that night,” he added.

Others have said they felt inspired by Dunn’s words.

“Her speech made people uncomfortable,” said Dorothy Engelman, chair of the Washington County Democratic party. “Oftentimes we are uncomfortable hearing things that we know are true but are unwilling or afraid to say ourselves.”

“Yes, I do think non-Mormons sometimes face discrimination,” she added. “I think that there are several groups that face discrimination in Southern Utah, non-Mormons being one of them.”

Some members of the LDS church have said they actually agreed with much of what Dunn said in her speech.

“I think there’s truth to what she’s saying,” said Bryan Hyde, host of the popular political talk show “Perspectives” on FOX 1450 AM. “Particularly this sense of people feeling disenfranchised and not fitting in because they are not LDS. I think that’s a legitimate concern.”

However, Hyde said he thinks Dunn’s confrontational tone may have detracted from her message.

“I think it was a missed opportunity for her,” he said, “She has done some remarkable things and I think she has made some tremendous gains in gaining the trust of voters. The tone she took actually harmed the message she was trying to get out.”

“We (non-Mormons) have never had any form of meaningful representation,” Dunn said in her speech, “and, worse, it has become somewhat of an unspoken culture that we accept that we are second-class citizens in silence. Today and right now, I break that silence.”

Tara Dunn speaks before the St. George City Council, Mayor Jon Pike, and onlookers on Jan. 23. Photo by Josh Warburton

Dunn said she expected to be condemned by some for her words, but she felt someone needed to say it.

“When you make people operate in these confines, you know who you hurt? You hurt the victims of domestic violence, you hurt the rape victims, you hurt the children, you hurt the disabled, you hurt the elderly, you hurt the little guys,” she said in an interview after delivering the speech. “That’s who you hurt when you don’t call people out on this culture of ‘no one say anything.’ That kind of culture is enabling of all kinds of horrible things.”

“You don’t hurt me,” she added. “I’m strong. I can take it, I’m strong.”

Dunn has been a controversial figure in St. George city politics since 2011, when she first ran for a position on the St. George City Council. In both the 2011 and 2013 races, Dunn waged campaigns that were overtly critical of the current city government, which she says is rife with self-dealing and cronyism. While some have criticized her campaign style for being too negative for Southern Utah, Dunn came very close to winning in both races.

Dunn delivered the speech in question on Thursday evening last week at the city council chambers. She was one of 24 applicants for Mayor Jon Pike’s recently vacated council seat. Each of the applicants was permitted to address the council, mayor and audience members before a vote was taken by the council to fill Pike’s seat. Dunn’s three-minute address has been seen by some as a death knell for her political aspirations in Southern Utah. David DeMille, a local journalist for the St. George Spectrum, described the speech in a tweet from city hall as Dunn, “going out, guns a-blazin,” like an outlaw gunfighter.

Now that the dust has had a chance to settle on Facebook and in the comment threads regarding Dunn’s controversial remarks, the question remains: Is there any truth to what she said on Thursday? Is there a penalty to pay for not being a member of the LDS Church in Southern Utah? If there is, why is it so and to what degree? Can the atmosphere in St. George really be described as oppressive for non-Mormons?

“Ms. Dunn is correct that non-Mormons in Southern Utah are treated as second-class citizens,” said Lori McArthur Cottam, who says her pioneer heritage goes back to Daniel D. McArthur, one of the early Mormon settlers of the Salt Lake Valley in 1848 and one of the original pioneers who founded St. George in 1861. As an ex-Mormon whose husband and children are practicing members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Cottam said she believes she has a unique perspective on the cultural tension between members and non-members – and she said she doesn’t believe Mormons intend to discriminate against or alienate anybody.

“They just don’t think about it,” she said. “It’s part of their culture – it’s the way they were raised.” Cottam added that many of the things about LDS culture that non-members find offensive or off-putting are done in a spirit of kindness and compassion.

“In fact,” she said, “their religion teaches that the only way to be a true friend is to help everyone find a happiness that only the true church can bring. They feel that if they don’t convert us, they will have failed us. That surely breeds an us-versus-them mentality.”

In yet another dimension of this debate, many Mormons and non-Mormons who heard Dunn’s speech have said they can’t relate to what she described. One commenter on The Independent’s website, self-identified as a non-Mormon, said they cannot relate to Dunn’s portrayal. “Folks know I’m not Mormon and they’re always there to help and offer a kind word,” the commenter said.

Spectators, some wearing pins in support of Tara Dunn, listen to speeches made by city council applicants in the St. George City Council chambers on Jan. 23. Photo by Josh Warburton

Gil Almquist said he’s never heard of non-Mormons being discriminated against. “I can only speak for myself and everyone that I know and emphatically state that, no, that does not exist,” he said.

Almquist said he, too, has a unique perspective on this issue. “I haven’t always been LDS,” he said. “I see people in a different light, maybe, than some who have been in the church their entire life.”

“I have never made a decision, public or private, based on someone’s race, creed, color, gender, status in the community, or their religion,” he said. “It’s ridiculous to think that there is a question on a form that says, ‘What religion are you?’ Give me a break. It’s against the law.”

However, Bryan Hyde, who is a Mormon, said he is aware of instances of intolerance towards non-Mormons by members of his faith.

“You know, there are individuals who, for whatever reason, say ‘your kid can’t play with my kid,’” said Hyde. “Why not? ‘Well, because you’re not a member of our church.’ Those are pretty rare instances, but they do happen.”

“That probably does exist somewhere,” Almquist admitted, “but if somebody from the LDS church has offended somebody wrongfully, well, they’re not in good standing. They need to repent.”

However, Cottam said much of the discriminating behavior that occurs happens unconsciously.

“It’s important to realize that Mormons don’t do any of this on purpose,” she said. She offered an example of how she believes the church can sometimes unintentionally foster negative attitudes about non-members.

“At my daughter’s ward last month,” she said, “a speaker told 11- to 17-year-old girls that if they didn’t do it God’s way, they would end up so sad that they would commit suicide like the star of TV’s ‘Glee.’ These kinds of stories are not only wrong, but they teach these children to be deathly afraid of all things non-Mormon.”

Dorothy Engelman and Tara Dunn both spoke about small-business owners they know who have lost business when customers discovered they are not LDS. Dunn mentioned a realtor she knows who said many LDS people will not list their homes with non-LDS realtors.

“If your livelihood is dependent upon being accepted by folks of the LDS faith, and they are paying you for your services, then you have to be very careful where you step,” said Engelman.

Kevin Hansen, a local contractor who is a Mormon, said he believes Mormon people are, on average, more trustworthy than non-Mormons. He said he doesn’t see a big problem with favoring LDS people in business dealings.

“People who practice this faith and believe this religion are different,” he said. “We start from youth to believe in the Ten Commandments.” He went on to discuss the discipline and work ethics Latter-day Saint men and women learn on their missions.

“We freely put ourselves through that kind of scrutiny to be members in good standing,” he said. “If there’s a confessional in some other church – well, that’s totally voluntary. We confess once every two years as adults that are temple worthy.”

Hansen paused, however, when asked how overlooking non-Mormon businesses or job applicants was any different than shunning, for instance, Jewish businesses and employees because they do not recognize the divinity of Jesus.

“Well, I can see how other people could look at it that way,” he said.

Cottam repeatedly stressed that the vast majority of LDS people have the best of intentions, even when they are doing things that non-members find alienating.

Bryan Hyde said that in order for the gap to close between the cultural experiences of LDS and non-LDS folks, people need to try and be more open and accepting of those who make different choices and have different values than they do.

“The only thing that I can think of to make a difference is for both sides to move in the direction of those who they perceive as their cultural opponent,” he said. “Instead of teaching our kids that, ‘Oh, that person has tattoos, they must be bad,’ maybe it’s OK if your kid says, ‘That’s a really cool tattoo.’ You can appreciate it and you still haven’t abandoned your values; instead, what you’ve done is shown some appreciation for somebody.”

Constructive communication can’t take place, he said, until people begin to understand where others are coming from – even if they don’t agree.

“Rather than fearing or resenting our neighbors for being different, maybe we ought to embrace them for it,” Hyde said. “This really is an amazing place and there is room enough to share it. I want the people who come here to feel welcome, and anything we can do to facilitate a dialogue, well, I’m all for that.”

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  1. Thank you for this article. My husband and I live in SLC and were considering retirement in St. George but after reading this article we will dimiss the area as we are already uncomfortable living in the predominantly mormon town of Bluffdale and don’t want to repeat the experience.

    • Hello, I know this is an old comment thread, but my wife and I are thinking about retiring in Utah and also are not of the Mormon faith. Would you please give specifics as to why you would not live in a predominantly Mormon town in Utah?

  2. What is it like for Christians (not Mormons) to live in Cedar City UT? Are there mormon activities and mormon friendships for Christians there?

  3. Mormons and non-Mormons are equally prejudice. I have been on both sides of the fence and can say with all clarity that this is definitely the case. Mormons, for some reason, are exclusionary in nature. This is 100% contrary to the doctrine and Christ’s teachings. Having been a way-left-of-center Mormon most of my life, I can honestly say that if I’ve been cheated in business or passed over, it has generally been by members of the church.
    Having said this, I am also convinced that those who advertise they are “Christian” are vehemently prejudice against Mormons in the comments they make about them. Locally, the Christian bookstores refuse to carry anything written, produced, or made by a known LDS person.
    All in all, it is shameful that this is even an issue at all. We worship the same Jesus, we have the same 10 commandments, and we have access the same scriptures that tell of His life, teachings, and in this case, more importantly…His example and admonition of Love One Another.
    Each “side” is guilty and know better than to cast disparaging remarks and actions to ANYONE. Just STOP IT…

    • Actually Mormons DON’T worship the same Jesus as New Testament Gospel Christians do. The Mormon church teaches the exact same blasphemy that Satan teaches, that humans can become a God, just like Jesus. There isn’t very much difference between Joseph Smith and Belezabub…

    • Wow, you are really trying to push your religion on other people. Your comment was very negative. And sorry but a Christian store, would not sell a LDS book, they are two different religions, its odd, that you are getting mad at that. I highly doubt a LDS book store would sell Christian books. You are telling people, to get along, yet, you are putting down Christians.

  4. My husband & I (60 years and 65 years old) took a job in southern Utah about a year and a half ago. From our experience, if you are not a Mormon, you are not welcome in THEIR town. I now know the feeling of discrimination!!! The people are hateful!!

  5. I had read all about the way Mormons treated non-Mormons before I moved here. I thought there was no way in this day and age that people could treat me so horribly simply because I was not Mormon. Well, they don’t come out and say it but their actions speak much louder than words. I can not believe a group of people who claim to be so religious can be so hateful to people who are not Mormons. I don’t drink, smoke, curse, and dress appropriately. I have an incredibly strong belief in God, I am just not LDS. I will be moving as soon as I am able. I have lived here for over a year and have not been able to find employment even though I am qualified and many times over qualified for the positions I am applying for. 75% of people won’t smile, say hello, or make eye contact with you. It’s like there is a secret handshake or gesture here I don’t know about. You can tell when someone is not from here or not LDS because they are kind. I miss living around kind people. I miss not being asked what religion I am everywhere I go.

    • I know how you feel. I have a friend who ran into the same thing in Washington County Schools… as an accredited teacher, with 17 years in the Utah school system, and a master degree in education, she has applied 4 times for the same entry level job. Each time they say “thank you” and she never hears from them. They obviously are not finding the candidate they want, otherwise the position would not be open every year. She even worked for two years as a classroom assistant for new teachers that were fresh out of college, and she was making under $10 an hour… with that masters degree. And yet they still wont give her a try.
      If the bishop/city council member is “repulsed” and can’t see an issue, I think it may be time from some personal reflection on whether he’s doing EITHER job to the full potential.

    • My partner and I had many terrible experiences. We Moved to a small town in Utah to get away from the city life in California. Before moving everyone thought we where crazy to move to Utah. I would say, “We are moving to Utah” and all my Family and friends would say, “But the Mormons? I thought that was crazy considering it’s 2019. Sad thing I was actually sticking up for these people. Figured things would have changed by now but I was totally wrong. I was even considering moving to Mexico and all the same people that bashed the Mormons never mentioned
      Anything negative against Mexico even thought it’s a narco state. I thought this state would be constitutional but clearly there still is no separation from the church and state. They seem very un-American and don’t follow the constitution. Everybody was right about them. For the first time my parter and experienced discrimination. My neighbors are the worst neighbors I’ve ever had to deal in my whole life. They have no love for their neighbor especially if your not mormon. I’ve lived in the ghetto and my neighbors where much nicer and respectful. They are liars and not true to their word. We had issues with out neighbors and confronted them which they did not like bc we where speaking truth and they said they would do something about it but didn’t. I complained to the city about 2 of my neighbors and the man I spoke to was related to one of them and knew the other person by name. The problem never got resolved bc we are clearly being discriminated against because we are not apart of their cult and it doesn’t help that we are not mormon and from California. Mormons don’t like if your not mormon or Californian. Worst mistake moving here. Literally moved here 6 months ago and we are moving again and leaving this cult state. It’s so sad to consider that my partner and I are such nice, honest, giving people.
      Doesn’t matter if your not Mormon. These people are terrible Americans/human beings. Needless to say we are moving and selling our home that we just bought. I’m very grateful we are able to pack up our bags and call it a wash. I couldn’t imagine if we where unable to move and have to stay. I hope this state makes change. It’s a shame that this cult has control of probably the most beautiful states I’ve ever been to in the United States.

  6. Native non-Mormon here! I had to learn to adapt when I was a kid growing up in Ogden in the fifties and sixties. I lived in Bountiful for over thirty years while working as an Industrial Designer. I had to adapt and learned to keep my mouth shut and my eyes and ears open. Now that I’m retired and living in St. George I enjoy being an outspoken critic of Mormons and I do whatever I can to discredit and undermine them whenever I can! They’ve earned my scorn and derision after a lifetime of putting up with them.

    • That is so sad.
      And yet, as a non-mormon living here for the past 40 years, I can totally relate. Interesting how many don’t see it as an issue, and if you bring it up, the usual response is the familiar “if you don’t like it, you can leave”.
      How ironic that a non-member like myself has to point them toward the Doctrine of Inclusion by M. Russell Ballard. I’m surprised that so many “good mormons” have never heard of it.

  7. I for one would like to say I’ve had severe discrimination against me. I’ve been refused services at restaurants, I’ve had genuine difficulties with finding work, I’ve had police harass me, I’ve even been passive aggressively shoved in store isles. Of course most of these are caused by me clearly being nonmormon. Just how I dress up and have my hair is enough to be deemed a quintessential peasant.
    And let me say this too, if they “unintentionally” discriminate because they were raised that way or don’t realize it, or if they feel justied by trying to save you as if they’re right and you’re wrong, then they are part of a CULT. A textbook cult.

  8. Being a Mormon in a non Mormon community has built in resistance also. And the other way around. When I was a lad back in Nebraska, the Catholics played together, The other so called Christian denominations wouldn’t dare go out of their way to associate with each other. ‘them other people’. What! your Jewish! Watch your wallet. He’s a merchant folks! And so on and so on. So what’s the big deal? I know some Democratic who won’t even associate with republicans because ‘they don’t see things like We Do. This social media topic and comments is really a waste of time reading all this crap. You feel discriminated against? Too dam bad! Here, let me pat you on the head.
    I’m willing to bet that the average commenter here are the same folks who look at every social media magazine in the grocery store checkout line and shake their head, while they look at the shopper ahead of them and think ‘damn, they should be shopping at Walmart’.

  9. My family and I have been discriminated against since we first moved here. Neighborhood children were told that they could not play with our children because we didn’t have LDS standards. As a midwife in this town, I’ve been told that I have everything a couple was looking for, except that I am not LDS and therefore they could not hire me. We have been asked which ward we attended, while looking at house rentals, and then denied. Deep friendships have been nearly impossible. We are trying to move before our kids get much older and face dating limitations as non- LDS.

  10. I’m pretty sure it’s the person or persons themselves, not a religion. Miss Dunn needs to take a good hard look at herself as a person. I would not want her anywhere near a position of power no matter what religion she is. Hell I would not even want to be her neighbor.
    Sounds like she blames Mormons for all her failures in her life.

  11. Miss Dunn did a fine job of describing HER experiences. This town has MANY prejudice people that DEHUMANIZE others by STARING at them. They don’t know thats wrong, sure. They live in a bubble, LDS people here I have learned even have problems with different wards, this is NOT Jesus teachings, they are Cult members. The business owners in general cannot be trusted, they will try to scam you much of the time. Try to buy a car at their monopoly dealership and see what happens.

    It will change here 60,000 new people will move here in the next 4 years and they will force it to become more even keel.

  12. I’d like to see Christians stop ripping up other Christians. That goes for Mormons and other Christians alike. Why would any of y’all believe you’ve got the keys to heaven when you shove other people aside? And by the way, in Utah it needs to be illegal to ask, “What Ward are you in?” Or “What’s your calling?” when someone is applying for a job. It’s a sneaky way to get around the law.

  13. Is there any truth to what she said on Thursday? Is there a penalty to pay for not being a member of the LDS Church in Southern Utah? If there is, why is it so and to what degree? Can the atmosphere in St. George really be described as oppressive for non-Mormons?

    Ridiculous questions by the writer, when you see this type of writing it means real peoples experiences are not being taken seriously , this town is going to go through some real changes and soon. The businesses are discriminating against people that are not LDS. For example the BOULEVARD charges a $50 fee for a delivery IF YOU ARE NOT LDS, this is a company ripe for a discrimination lawsuit, that is one way to change these practices.

  14. Almquist says in article that it is illegal to ask one’s religion…why is Southern Utah University the only college any of my kids applied to that asks prospective students what their religion is???

  15. I’ve heard it reported that Southern Utah has a Mormon population of around 60%. Active? I have no idea. I think this article, (and/or) poll is so structured, to create hatred and resentment. And although being a faithful reader of the Su Independent, I find most articles are designed to add fuel to the bigotry fire or culture pit
    Reminds me of a democrat saying republicans wear their shoes on the wrong feet. And a republican saying; “Well at lease I know how to tie a bow correctly”.

  16. Answer, YES. see title. However, you cannot judge the individual in context to the group. My advice, and this is all that counts, if you want to move here choose your location wisely. Rent in the specific area if you can before buying a house. If you have kids I REALLY ADVISE to know the lay of the land because they will be affected the most. For some living in a heavily Mormon community will be of no consequence especially if you like privacy and not being part of the community. Unless you attend activities with the local ward, then no one will know you for the first few years. Even Mormons from out of state suffer discrimination in certain heavily Mormon communities. The Mormons are not evil etc, it is simply the default of a religious culture that is insular. Lastly expect institutional bias as would be the case with any group that has the majority. I had my 1st and 4th Ammendment rights violated the 1st year I lived here. I was able to address the issue. You might experience intimidation as well, but that could be the case in any neighborhood. I have also experienced acts of kindness. I honestly do not recommend non-mormons moving into a heavily Mormon neighborhood. And the good news is that there are many areas in Washington County that are just fine. Just do your homework. I plan to sell my house to a Mormon family in a year or so. I am just tired of waking up in the morning and having to identify as a non Mormon. I am simply a human being, and upon many occasions helped my neighbors and their children when emergencies and dangers have occurred near my house. And there have been many, from viscous dogs, shootings, and toddlers walking down the middle of the street. Likewise I had a mysterious fire in my backyard and mega fireworks shot directly over my house a few weeks later. Just because it’s a Mormon neighborhood doesn’t mean it cant get crazy. Lol Good luck. PS For sale by owner

  17. Jesus said, ‘love your neighbor as you love yourself’ as the 2nd ‘greatest commandment’. Those who claim a religion, who have such a difficult time obeying Jesus in this, are simply fearful of new..and insecure in their own beliefs. If you are truly secure with your religious beliefs, you will ‘love others’ and not discriminate, or judge, or treat differently – like Jesus gave us the example. If you are truly secure, you will sell yourself as an example of love. Jesus drank wine with tax collectors and sinners. God made us all. (and coffee has great antioxidants, sorry Mr. Smith, you got that caffeine thing wrong…!))

  18. I’m getting tired of the life style that now engulfs California and have been looking a more pleasant place to live. I was put onto Cedar City Utah by a net site. Small university town with moderate climate and outdoor opportunities. Was concern about moving to a state with a large non-christian population…Morons are not christians … they are “Mormons”! Raised Mormon but while growing up in the church found that church folks, specially children were a hateful rude and condesending lot. After leaving home to raise my family I divorsed myself form the LDS church. Have never regretted it! After reading the above piece I pretty sure we’ll not be moving to Southern Utah!

  19. We were thinking about moving to Saint George it’s unfortunate the way we were
    treated our money is good enough not us. Example we went for a walk a young
    couple with two girls’ were approaching when there were a few feet away they
    all turned there heads. They had never met us why such disdain??

  20. I never should of moved here. I was warned. I couldn’t believe the negative description of Mormons. I refused to believe that of church people.
    I am sorry to report I shoulda/woulda avoided the area.
    Now I’m too old to be able to move.
    I keep hoping it will change. Been 25yrs of being treated less than respectable.
    This is an old article…but the thread of comments continues. Good job Tara Dunn.
    Loving the waves!

  21. I am non-Mormon, and have not been discriminated against. I have, however, heard many non-Mormons say rude and bad things against Mormons. I have also said they don’t want their children to play with Mormon children, and they don’t want to have Mormons for friends. I also think Mormons have had a slap in the face with the building of high rise buildings on Ancestor square area in St George. Many wonderful pioneer families settled and built St George, Utah, and historically, this should be honored and celebrated. I honor all efforts to build our country by our ancestors no matter the color of skin or religion. So much polarization in our country does not make us feel loved, accepted, or safe. I have good Mormon and non-Mormon neighbors, and I love them all.

    • I agree with “some person”. Elizabeth I find it shameful and disgusting that you celebrate and are proud of the of the “wonderful pioneer families”
      Who whole sale slaughter of an indigenous population culture and civilization. The Shoshone’s are the only locals.

  22. I agree with “some person”. Elizabeth I find it shameful and disgusting that you celebrate and are proud of the of the “wonderful pioneer families”
    Who whole sale slaughter of an indigenous population culture and civilization. The Shoshone’s are the only locals.

  23. I lived in utah for several years, up to 2020. Utah, has lots of liars. Professionals here also lie a lot. In comparison, this society is very ptetensive. I used to rent my rooms. Guess what, some of those renters are young kids of lds elders, and those kids are disrespectful, criminal minds, and under educated. Utah, in my view, is the communist of the united states. It is a cult. What a shame. If you have choices, dont live there.

  24. I lived in Northern Utah for 7 years. I moved there from Northern California. It was a beautiful place to live, even if it felt weird being an “outsider” the entire time. It’s really something you have to experience to understand. Now I am back in California. I have been back for 20 years. Things are not perfect here, but God it is good to be back in California!

  25. My name is deacon Joseph r godleski
    I am a deacon in the lutheran church
    My question is to all the non lds members
    Who left a reply on this board why would
    Anyone in their right mind wish to move
    To utah if you know over 60% of the people
    Who live there are lds members and treat non
    Lds members like garbage don’t move to utah
    I believe all lds members in the USA
    Should all move to utah and let them stew in their own misery together Because what I know about the lds church and their members
    They are very sad and unhappy people because of the heavy
    Burdens and demands their church requires of them
    That utah has the highest rate of mental illness and suicide use of illegal drugs. Underage Drinking and underage marriage abuse of children and wives three times higher then any other state and even through the lds church try to paint a picture of utah being Zion a utopia it really is far from it this is what I point out to lds members when they claim of how wonderful and perfect things are like in utah and the lds church


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