St. George Musical Theater presents “The Christmas Bus.” This fun holiday family musical offers a wonderful opportunity to take a moment out from the hustle and bustle of the season and truly enjoy the evening. Directed by Kelly Olsen, “The Christmas Bus” makes its southern Utah debut at St. George Musical Theater. Miz Frump, the bumbling but dedicated director of the Peaceful Valley Orphanage, wants her kids to experience a special Christmas with a real family, and no one will stop her—not the law-abiding Sheriff Snodgrass, not the gossipy town Busybodies, and not even an old, broken-down school bus that’s seen better days. Add a hitchhiking troubadour with a few dreams of his own, and you have a rollicking Christmas musical. Fifteen original songs turn Miz Frump and her orphans into a singing, dancing busload of adventurers. Join the adventure, and make SGMT a holiday tradition. “The Christmas Bus” plays Dec. 3 through 19 on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 7 p.m. Purchase tickets at or call (866) 967-8167.

The Independent’s Gift Giving Guide: St. George Musical Theater
Theater Review: The Christmas Bus “I wanted to direct something new that people in the St. George area had not seen before, and something that…
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