The Department of the Interior's Office of Natural Resources Revenue disbursed $71.7 million in FY 2019 energy revenues to Utah.
The Department of the Interior’s Office of Natural Resources Revenue disbursed $71.7 million in FY 2019 energy revenues to Utah.

Interior disburses $71.7 million in FY 2019 energy revenues to Utah

U.S. Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt announced Oct. 24 that The Department of the Interior’s Office of Natural Resources Revenue disbursed $71.7 million in Fiscal Year 2019 energy revenues to Utah. The funds are derived from energy produced on federal and American Indian lands, as well as U.S. offshore areas.

ONRR disbursed a total $11.69 billion in FY 2019 from energy production on federal and American Indian-owned lands and offshore areas. This represents a $2.76 billion increase in comparison to FY 2018 and is nearly double the disbursements allocated at the end of the previous administration at $6.23 billion for FY 2016.

States received $2.44 billion in disbursements, and more than $1 billion was disbursed to American Indian Tribes and individual Indian mineral owners. In addition, $1.76 billion went to the Reclamation Fund, $1.0 billion to the Land and Water Conservation Fund, $150 million to the Historic Preservation Fund, and the remaining $5.35 billion to the U.S. Treasury.

Total revenues collected last year increased by 31 percent to approximately $12 billion, continuing a successful upward trend for the Trump Administration. Often the second-highest generator of federal income following taxes, energy revenue disbursements are a critical source of funding to states, American Indian Tribes and individual Indian mineral owners, as well as to the Land and Water Conservation Fund, Reclamation Fund, Historic Preservation Fund, and the U.S. Treasury.

ONRR disbursed more than $2.44 billion of the FY 2019 energy revenues to 35 states as their cumulative share of revenues collected from oil, gas, and mineral production on federal lands within their borders and from offshore oil and gas tracts in federal waters adjacent to their shores. The increase in disbursements is primarily attributed to higher production volumes in both oil and natural gas, which more than offset the marginal price decrease, creating an overall increase in ONRR disbursements.

The more than $1 billion disbursed to American Indian Tribes and individual Indian mineral owners is more than double the disbursements paid in FY 2016. The revenues disbursed to the 33 federally recognized American Indian tribes and approximately 37,000 individual Indian mineral owners represent 100 percent of the revenues received from energy and mineral production activities on Indian lands. Tribes use these revenues to develop infrastructure, provide healthcare and education, and support other critical community development programs, such as senior centers, public safety projects, and youth initiatives.

In evaluating the overall impact of energy development on public lands, the Department of the Interior released an economic impact report for FY 2018. From the report, oil and gas produced from department-managed public lands and waters supported an estimated $85.4 billion in value added, $139 billion in economic output, and 607,000 jobs. Coal produced from department-managed public lands supported an estimated $6.5 billion in value added, $11.5 billion in economic output, and 36,000 jobs.

All federal, non-renewable energy revenues are collected, accounted for, analyzed, audited, and disbursed by ONRR from energy and mineral leases and other monies owed for the use of public resources on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf and onshore federal and American Indian lands. Since 1982, ONRR has disbursed more than $314.7 billion in mineral leasing revenues. ONRR makes most disbursements on a monthly basis from the royalties, rents, and bonuses it collects from energy and mineral companies operating on federal lands and waters.

A complete list of states receiving revenues and FY 2019 disbursement data will be available on the Natural Resources Revenue Data portal located at

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