I'm a Dixie State University alumnus. I'm aware of Ken Peterson's termination from DSU. Is the "Last Chance Agreement" offered to him even constitutional?
I’m a Dixie State University alumnus. I’m aware of Ken Peterson’s termination from DSU. Is the “Last Chance Agreement” offered to him even constitutional?

Dr. Ken Peterson’s “Last Chance Agreement” — Is it even constitutional?

My name is Joel Thomas, and I am Dixie State University alumnus. I am aware that Dr. Ken Peterson’s termination process was started back in early 2018 from DSU. Although the university claimed that he had been terminated (this was untrue as the process had been just started), it misled the community at large to believe that he had been terminated from his music department position at DSU.

I have grave concerns regarding the circumstances surrounding the termination, the concurrent due process, the Faculty Review Board’s recommendation to reinstate, the Utah System of Higher Education representative choosing to abide by the board’s recommendation, the current administration at DSU offering statements that they were supportive of the reinstatement, and then the egregious “Last Chance Agreement,” which is available on public domain and is punitive, vindictive, disenfranchising, and dehumanizing. I am also very disheartened at paying taxes to support the costly and burdensome task of keeping DSU’s counsel busy trying to maintain face when DSU is clearly in the wrong. I am honestly and respectfully looking for answers and solutions.

Dr. Ken Peterson, a tenured professor, was the director of vocal activities. He has been a professor at DSU for 16 years and has taught higher education for a total of 28 years. He also conducts the Heritage Choir, a group of 180 singers that performs regularly in St. George and also tours the world. He has conducted the school’s choirs and taught thousands of private lessons for many years, and many of his students have gone on to be highly renowned singers and educators. He has his doctoral degree and is tenured and widely loved by his students. He is a pillar in the music community of St. George. I believe Dr. Peterson to be of the highest character and a shining example to his colleagues, peers, students, and fellow community members.

It would be in the school’s best interest to reinstate Dr. Peterson with full tenure — no terms, no conditions, and no “Last Chance Agreement.” It would also be in the school’s best interest to simply admit it was wrong in how it approached this and follow the Faculty Review Board’s and Utah System of Higher Education’s reinstatement, again, with no terms, no conditions, etc.

Thankfully, President Williams recused himself from any decision making up to the reinstatement. However, I call upon President Williams to resign immediately. Multiple lawsuits have come against DSU and him personally since he has been president. The retention rate at DSU is the worst it has ever been. As a school for higher learning, I would assume the administration would want to handle policy violations in a way that doesn’t disrupt the student’s educations. The current actions of the administration and the “Last Chance Agreement” have been devastating to students and faculty of DSU and the community.

I would respectfully and sincerely ask the following questions:

—Why are there terms to Dr. Ken Peterson’s reinstatement since he was never actually terminated? According to DSU’s termination process, he was never actually terminated.

—What is DSU’s definition of “reinstatement?”

—Why is Dr. Peterson not allowed to teach his subject of expertise under the “Last Chance Agreement?”

—Why is the “Last Chance Agreement” permanent? There are no terms outlined that allow Peterson to return to his subject of expertise.

—Why is Dr. Peterson being treated like a criminal when he has been recommended for reinstatement by the Faculty Review Board and Utah System of Higher Education? His original actions were minor policy violations.

—Does DSU care about its tenured employees or its students’ educations and aspirations?

—How much money has been used to pay for legal counsel to try and drag Dr. Peterson, and I would add Dr. Glenn Webb, through the mud over minor policy violations?

—When teachers break policy, they are investigated and punished by the administration. When administrators break policy, who keeps them in line? And why haven’t they done so?

If you truly believe that the “Last Chance Agreement” is a valid and constitutional document meant to protect Dr. Peterson and the other parties involved, I would ask you to please justify these beliefs in detail.

DSU cannot consider itself to be a great university if it fires tenured professors without an extremely good reason. While I understand that policy violations are serious and that discipline is necessary in such cases, I believe that the punishment should fit the crime. Without a sufficient explanation given by the administration, the community of St. George and the faculty and students of DSU have no reason to believe that the institution’s actions are in any way justified or lawful.


Joel Thomas

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