Kula Yoga Center opens in Mesquite
By Aloree Smith
Kula Yoga Center will open with a ribbon-cutting ceremony Jan. 8 at 10 a.m. at 742 W. Pioneer Blvd., Ste A, in Mesquite.
Kula Yoga Center is the newest yoga studio to the Mesquite region and is owned by Megan Teerlink, who is an E-200/500-hour registered yoga instructor. “Kula” is a Sanskrit word that translates to “family, tribe, or community of the heart.” Kula Yoga will be a sanctuary for people to come and strengthen their minds and bodies in safety.
Kula Yoga will host over 20 classes a week, which will include yoga varieties, barre, sound meditation, hot yoga, and Pilates. With the ability to connect with a variety of heartfelt teachers and enjoy classes paced for all different levels, Kula Yoga is a place for everyone.
For more information, please call the Mesquite Chamber of Commerce at (702) 346-2902 or Kula Yoga at (702) 529-1240.
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