Letter to the Editor: St. George Marathon holds boundless benefits for area businesses

To the Mayor, the entire City workforce, volunteers, Historic Downtown Groups and our community.
I know it takes a lot of city employees, the Mayor and City Council to pull off this amazing marathon without a hitch. We support the events you bring to our beautiful city and you go above and beyond to make them spectacular! I am constantly amazed at your ideas and efforts.
In recent years our street gets semi blocked off. I have always known it was for the greater good of our community. However, in the past not only have we not benefited from the rise in in the economy from the thousands of people in our area, but it actually would hurt out business’ that day. Same with Ironman. I looked at the glass half full and was happy it brought so many people into our Historic District. So I always thought there is no harm in taking one for the team.
This year the boulevard was not blocked off in front of our store ( between main and the east end of the Boulevard. I was surprised! I’m not sure what the difference was, maybe a route change, but nevertheless with those streets open we had record sales that Saturday at BOTH of our retail stores!! So I would like to thank every person who worked on the marathon this year! The volunteers, The Historic Downtown groups, the guys that had to follow the last few runners before 1:00pm who had been up since at least 4 a.m. etc. like Chris Brandt.
OR I could be wrong! Maybe all it was, was the billboard thanks to Nicki Pace (and the fact that Jill Naylor Mortensen ‘s hot little self was on it. ) Ha ha. Kidding. I know it was a combination of EVERY effort made by the city, ESPECIALLY the billboard. So Thank you all! That extra money made goes right back into our community, my employees and the bettering of our historic downtown.
For the locals of our area, it IS a pain to get through certain parts of town, but the short inconvenience to us that is usually forgotten the next day has such a GREAT IMPACT on our community! **Cheers** to the community for taking one for the team! The community deserves a “Thank You!” As well.
We are very Grateful for our City and living in such an amazing part of the world!
Mickelle Patience and Wes Milne
Milne Jewelry Company and M&S Turquoise