Markay Brown named Poet of the Year
By Sue Stevenson Leth
Markay Brown was named Poet of the Year 2019 for her collection of poetry entitled “Planted in a Storm,” soon to be published by the Utah State Poetry Society as its most notable book of the year at the Utah State Poetry Spring Festival in Provo.
St. George residents have claimed the coveted Poet of the Year title for the second time in four years. Other St. George poets received 39 award recognitions at the spring festival.
Brown admits being “addicted to the written word.” She was awarded first place in the 2014 Utah Original Writing Competition judged by Richard Howard of Columbia University for her poetry collection, “Eve’s Child.” Markay and her poet husband, Nad R. Brown, collaborated on poetry books, “Blended” and “Behind the Red Door.” Her poems have appeared in Segullah, Provo/Orem Word, Utah Life Magazine, 15 Bytes, Encore, Dove Song, Southern Quill, and elsewhere.
Markay Brown is a graduate of BYU, serves as president of Redrock Writers, and is a member of the Dixie Poets and the board of directors for the annual St. George Literary Arts Festival.