Mesquite Chamber of Commerce unveils Eagles Landing Veteran Memorial and Wendy’s grand openings
By Aloree Smith
The Mesquite Chamber of Commerce will host a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Eagles Landing Veteran Memorial, located at 1057 Lower Flat Top Dr. in Mesquite, Nov. 12 at 10 a.m. The ribbon-cutting ceremony will be conducted by a local veteran and accompanied by the playing of “The Star-Spangled Banner.”
Directly following at 10:30 a.m. will be a ribbon-cutting ceremony for Wendy’s in the Eagles Landing Travel Plaza, Ste C. The ceremonial ribbon will be cut by Mayor Allan Litman.
The Mesquite Chamber of Commerce encourages Mesquite and surrounding area residents to attend this event. For further information, please call the Mesquite Chamber of Commerce at (702) 346-2902.
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