Body of missing hiker found in Zion National Park
Earlier today, a hiker was reported as missing in Zion National Park. A body has been located at the end of Deertrap Mountain Trail. The backpack and clothing description match that of the missing hiker, 47-year-old Maurice Harris. Deertrap Mountain Trail is a dead-end spur off of the East Rim Trail. Harris had last been seen at the trailhead of East Rim Trail heading toward the Weeping Rock Shuttle Stop in Zion Canyon Aug. 13 at 4 p.m.
The intensive interagency search involved Kane County Search and Rescue, Washington County Search and Rescue, Zion National Park Search and Rescue, canine crews from Kane and Washington Counties, and helicopters from Grand Canyon National Park and the Utah Department of Public Safety. Over 40 people were involved in the search. The park is currently making plans to safely recover Harris’ body.
“This is an extremely sad event,” said Superintendent Jeff Bradybaugh. “Our thoughts go out to Mr. Harris’ family and friends.”
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