Trump Tower meeting was an incalculable coincidence — or a set-up
By Roger Stone
It’s hard to even calculate the odds. Could it be just a coincidence that the same Russian woman who offered Don Trump Jr. damaging information on Hillary Clinton at the infamous Trump Tower meeting was also, at the same time, working with the man who created the Steele Dossier to damage the candidacy and reputation of Donald Trump Sr.? It all adds up to a set-up.
But wait, there’s more!
We now know that Obama’s attorney general, Loretta Lynch, granted the same type of “informant” visa waiver to the Russian spy who tried to set-up Don Trump Jr. as the FBI gave to Henry Greenberg — the 17-year-long FBI informant who offered damaging information about Hillary Clinton to Michael Caputo and me in another apparent set-up attempt. Neither Greenberg nor the Russian spy would have been in America and able to offer “dirt” on Hillary Clinton to Trump’s campaign associates if the FBI and DOJ had not granted them VIP access into the United States, giving them the opportunity to disrupt and/or set-up Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.
Natalia Veselnitskaya, The Russian attorney who orchestrated the infamous Trump Tower meeting with Don Jr. and Paul Manafort to offer “dirt” on Hillary Clinton, was also coincidentally working with Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson — who was paid by the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National Committee to create the Steele Dossier to find “dirt” on and discredit presidential candidate Donald Trump.
Either this is the biggest coincidence of all time or the Trump team was being set up by Glenn Simpson and his clients.
Simpson was once a Wall Street Journal reporter, but he found more lucrative and fulfilling work as a political and corporate hitman for hire by any political party, corporate client, or foreign government willing to pay his exorbitant fees. His firm, Fusion GPS, specializes in digging up damaging information on people for corporate clients and political powerbrokers and then getting that information published by his friends in the media to influence Americans on behalf of his foreign and domestic clients.
The Steele Dossier is a very expensive opposition research report that was created by Fusion GPS and Glenn Simpson in the summer of 2016 during the run-up to the presidential election to find damaging information on then republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and his businesses and associates so that the information could be used to discredit him and his campaign team in the media and on social networks during and after the presidential campaign.
During his Senate Judiciary Committee testimony, Fusion GPS owner Glenn Simpson admitted that he was paid $1.02 million in fees and expenses by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign, through the law firm Perkins Cole, to create the Steele Dossier. He also revealed how he tried to get the information printed in numerous media outlets and also helped refer it to the FBI — who later used the unverified dossier as a pretext to open the Russia/Trump collusion investigation.
Natalia Veselnitskaya represents herself as the corporate attorney for Prevezon during her trips to the United States, but she has recently admitted that she was also an informant. Prevezon is a Russian real estate holdings company based in Cyprus and run by Denis Katsyv, the son of Pyotr Katsyv, one of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s closest advisers and a person on the U.S. sanctions list. Veselnitskaya was given “unlimited resources” by the Kremlin to run a campaign to get the Magnitsky Act repealed in the U.S. and defame Bill Browder in the media. Glenn Simpson was hired to do the job.
While undercover as a Russian spy, Natalia Veselnitskaya was working on a project in America with Glenn Simpson and his company Fusion GPS on behalf of Yuri Chaika, the Chief Prosecutor-General of Russia, to collect and disseminate “dirt” on Russian Federation foe Bill Browder, whose advocacy against human rights abuses in Russia has led to the passage of the Magnitsky Act in America and made Browder one of Russian president Putin’s most despised dissidents. Glenn Simpson was hired by Natalia Veselnitskaya in 2014 to promote the Russian government’s propaganda points on Bill Browder to ruin his reputation and to put pressure on politicians to repeal the Magnitsky Act.
Through his work with Prevezon and Natalia Veselnitskaya, Glenn Simpson was acting as an unregistered agent of a hostile foreign country to change United States political policy and to get Russian sanctions removed.
Some say that’s treason. It is definitely a violation of the law.
The Foreign Agents Registration Act is a United States law passed in 1938 requiring that agents representing the interests of foreign powers in a “political or quasi-political capacity” disclose to the U.S. Department of Justice their relationship with the foreign government and information about related activities and finances. Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS never registered as a foreign agent, even though he was working in the U.S. to overturn the Magnitsky Act on behalf of a Russian oligarch on the U.S sanctions list who has close ties to Putin.
Natalia Veselnitskaya would not have ever been admitted into the United States to have the Trump Tower meeting with Don Trump Jr. if it were not for the intervention of the Obama Justice Department.
Veselnitskaya’s visa request to come to America in June 2016 was initially denied, but Obama’s Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, signed off on an “extraordinary circumstances” visa waiver that allowed Veselnitskaya to enter the country to attend a Prevezon court case, which also gave her the opportunity to have the Trump Tower meeting — both of which occurred June 9, 2016.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Paul Monteleoni was quoted in a court transcript as saying, “The government bypassed the normal visa process and gave a type of extraordinary permission to enter the country called ‘Significant Public Benefit Parole.’ That’s a discretionary act that the statute allows the attorney general to make in extraordinary circumstances. In this case, we did that so that Mr. Katsyv could testify. And we made the further accommodation of allowing his Russian lawyer [Veselnitskaya] into the country to assist.”
According to Glenn Simpson’s unbelievable and probably perjurous Senate Judiciary Committee testimony, Veselnitskaya didn’t tell him about the meeting she had with Trump Jr. while she was visiting the United States.
Veselnitskaya flew into New York from Moscow June 8, 2016 and had dinner with Glenn Simspon that evening. The next day, June 9, she attended a Prevezon court case with Glenn Simpson and then attended the infamous Trump Tower meeting later on the same day. The following day, June 10, Veselnitskaya had dinner again with Glenn Simpson, but this time it was in Washington D.C.
People in the intelligence industry would consider those meetings to be “briefings” and “debriefings” for the Trump Tower meeting. Simpson claims that they did not discuss the Trump Tower meeting at all and that he knew nothing about it.
But that is hard to believe, especially when considering that the man Simpson paid to investigate Trump and his associates in Russia (Edward Baumgartner) was also working closely with Veselnitskaya on the Prevezon campaign — at the same time Baumgartner was investigating Trump in Russia for the Steele Dossier.
Baumgartner was the person responsible for finding all of the “dirt” or derogatory information he could find or make up from within Russia about the targeted individuals for Glenn Simpson and his clients at the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign to use in the Steele Dossier. Baumgartner said his responsibilities for Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS involved writing reports that compiled “everything publicly known” about Trump and campaign associates like Carter Page and Paul Manafort.
Baumgartner, who cofounded the UK-based intelligence consultancy Edward Austin in 2010, has a degree in Russian and runs his own consulting firm similar to Fusion GPS but with a focus on Russia and Ukraine. During congressional testimony, Simpson admitted that Baumgartner had worked on both the Prevezon campaign (with Veselnitskaya) and also the Steele Dossier for an overlapping period of at least three months.
Baumgartner said that he served as “an interface” with Veselnitskaya because she does not speak much English. They worked “very closely” together in Washington and Moscow, reviewing documents and finding witnesses who could bolster Prevezon’s case. Baumgartner said that he overheard Veselnitskaya speaking on the telephone to the Chief Russian prosecutor, Yuri Chaika, several times in a way that seemed “friendly, like a family friend.”
Natalia Veselnitskaya is now back in Russia but before leaving America she admitted on NBC News that while working with Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS she was actually a spy. She said, “Since 2013, I have been actively communicating with the office of the Russian prosecutor general … I am an informant.”
Instead of protecting Trump and his family by helping to keep foreign intelligence agents away from the presidential campaign, the Obama administration put them in peril by giving a Russian spy an “extraordinary circumstances” visa waiver so that she could enter the country to apparently try to set up the Trump campaign team.
Since we now know Veselnitskaya was a spy for the Russian government, isn’t it prudent to investigate her co-conspirators and cooperating agents in America, like Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS, the company he seemingly runs as an illegal international spy agency for foreign clients and political campaigns?
So far, what we know regarding the Russian collusion controversy is that the FBI planted its mole, Stefan Halper (spy No. 1), into the Trump campaign to introduce Carter Page and George Papadopoulos to people connected to the Russian government who the FBI informant told them had damaging information about Hillary Clinton. They both pleaded guilty to lying to federal agents for misremembering certain encounters or conversations they had with FBI informant Stefan Halper or the people he introduced them to — not for Russian collusion.
The Democrat Dossier recently exposed the fact that Henry Greenberg (spy No. 2), who tried to set up Michael Caputo and me by offering us damaging information about Hillary Clinton, was also an FBI informant for 17 years and would not have ever been admitted into the U.S. if it were not for the special “informant” visa waiver he received from the FBI. Congressman Devin Nunes has demanded that acting attorney general Rod Rosenstein turn over information he has about Henry Greenberg while Congressman Jim Jordan threatened to impeach Rosenstein for refusing to turn over information on the use of informants to infiltrate and possibly set up the Trump team.
Natalia Veselnitskaya seems to be spy No. 3 with a direct link to the Kremlin as well as Glenn Simpson and his clients from the Hillary Clinton campaign and National Democratic Committee.
Isn’t it time to cancel the bogus Trump collusion campaign investigation and initiate a new special counsel inquiry into the Glenn Simpson conspiracy to manipulate the United States presidential election with the assistance of foreign intelligence agents? That’s a case that has already been proven. It just needs to be prosecuted.