The new Indy: Life, love, and loathing in southern UtahThe new Indy: Life, love, and loathing in southern Utah

“I don’t care what they’re going to say! Let the storm rage on.” — An empowered female

After three years as an album reviewer, staff writer, opinion writer, satirist, bullshit horoscope writer, copy editor, assistant editor, and fireproof underwear exhibitionist, I was appointed sole editor of this publication in January — and it’s been one hell of a ride so far.

I’m somewhat liberal, which is to say that I have classical liberal views. Because of the Overton window shifting to the left, I am now basically a left-centrist. The democrats can have Antifa, ShareBlue, and Stephen Colbert while the republicans can have the alt-right, the KKK, and Rush Limbaugh. I’ll be here in the middle, taking notes.

That suits me just fine, because I feel no allegiance to any political party, nor have I ever. I registered as an Independent in high school and never thought twice about it.

I wrote several pieces in January that were apparently controversial, although they felt like mere common sense on my word processor. I discussed incontrovertible facts, which have no bias, and provided evidence. But when I wrote them, I forgot that the public perceives The Indy as a leftist publication. I could do no right.

News flash! The Independent is not a leftist publication.

“Let it go! / Let it go!”

The Independent exists for two primary reasons: to provide the best coverage for arts and entertainment in southern Utah and to be a clearinghouse for ideas.

All ideas.

See, I’m not an optimist. But I do believe that through debate the good ideas will float to the top and that the bad ones will sink to the bottom, where they belong.

But for that to happen, debate can’t be one-sided, which is what happens when one side shies away from discussion.

So I heartily encourage every member of the public to submit letters to the editor or guest opinion pieces detailing what you’re pissed about.

Come on, it’s 2018. You’re all pissed about something. Talk about it somewhere other than on Facebook.

I’ve noticed over the past three years that leftists have predominantly submitted to The Indy. Therefore, it has been dubbed the “leftist rag.”

Well, that’s to the shame of local conservatives, who are in no short supply. I can imagine no greater cowardice than being given a safe haven of free expression and shying away from it because of “muh feelings.”

Are southern Utah conservatives so coddled by their echo chambers that they have grown incapable of engaging in honest intellectual discourse?

They are still our fellow citizens, and I heartily welcome those among them with the vertebrae to do so to present their views here. Whether I agree with them or not isn’t a factor in whether or not their voices will have an outlet at The Indy.

And that offer extends to the general public. Facebook trolls abound, but there are seemingly few adults who are willing to present their views in the proud traditions of the free press.

Use it while you have it.

Letters to the editor and opinion pieces can be sent to

The viewpoints expressed above do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent.

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How to submit an article, guest opinion piece, or letter to the editor to The Independent

Do you have something to say? Want your voice to be heard by thousands of readers? Send The Independent your letter to the editor or guest opinion piece. All submissions will be considered for publication by our editorial staff. If your letter or editorial is accepted, it will run on, and we’ll promote it through all of our social media channels. We may even decide to include it in our monthly print edition. Just follow our simple submission guidelines and make your voice heard:

—Submissions should be between 300 and 1,500 words.

—Submissions must be sent to as a .doc, .docx, .txt, or .rtf file.

—The subject line of the email containing your submission should read “Letter to the editor.”

—Attach your name to both the email and the document file (we don’t run anonymous letters).

—If you have a photo or image you’d like us to use and it’s in .jpg format, at least 1200 X 754 pixels large, and your intellectual property (you own the copyright), feel free to attach it as well, though we reserve the right to choose a different image.

—If you are on Twitter and would like a shout-out when your piece or letter is published, include that in your correspondence and we’ll give you a mention at the time of publication.

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Jason Gottfried
Widely regarded as "indelible in the hippocampus," Jason Gottfried is editor of The Independent as well as a freelance editor, writer, multi-instrumental musician, and composer transplanted to Utah from Nashville by way of Gainesville, Florida. He has previously been an album reviewer, opinion columnist, humor writer, staff writer, copy editor, assistant editor, and opinion editor of The Independent. Before that, he was editor of SOKY Happenings magazine and wrote a column, The Vociferous Vegan. In high school, he published a satire newspaper, "The Shaven Butt," which lasted for exactly one issue. He was also general manager of Nashville’s fabled The Wild Cow Vegetarian Restaurant and briefly co-owner of Gainesville's longtime staple vegetarian restaurant, Book Lover's Cafe. When he is away from the computer, he plays between Colorado and California as a live and session musician. He sexually identifies as an Apache AH-64 attack helicopter, and his pronouns can only be expressed in Reformed Egyptian.


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