Obama is an enemy of the U.S.
Image: Anthony Antonello / CC BY-SA 3.0

What do we do when the enemy of democracy becomes the president of the United States and orders border control agents to stand down and allow anyone in? Equally as concerning is when he orders Homeland Security to scrub the records of terrorists so they can enter the U.S. legally! We no longer have to fight them over there, as George Bush said; Obama has brought them to our own shores. Obama is an enemy of the U.S.

As reported by the Washington Examiner on Feb. 4, 2016, a key U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent recently testified that U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents are being told to release illegal immigrants and no longer order them to appear at deportation hearings. …” giving any illegal alien a license to stay in the United States “illegally.” This includes robbery felons, rapists, and murderers.

Obama is an enemy of the U.S.
Image: Jason / CC BY 2.0

This stand-down order includes a requirement that illegal aliens released are not to be tracked. In short, we no longer have an immigration law but rather a lawless administration that resides in the White House — a president not of America but rather who is an enemy of America and has done everything to undermine our safety with an agenda full of lies, deception, and false flag events to get our guns.

We are seeing ISIS fighters coming across our unprotected southern borders, which began long before 2014. They are now going to be released into the U.S per Obama’s orders.

On top of this, Philip Haney, who was an employee of the Department of Homeland Security, wrote:

“Obama infuriated many at Homeland Security because although he attacked them for not connecting the dots, they knew his Administration had been engaged in an effort to destroy the raw material—the actual intelligence Homeland Security had collected for years, and erase those dots. The dots constitute the intelligence needed to keep Americans safe, and the Obama Administration was ordering they be wiped away, why? Obviously to allow terrorists to enter America.”

There can be only one reasonable explanation for Obama’s anti American actions; there is some plan afoot to allow America to be attacked from within for real, not another false flag event. Information was known about the Boston bombers, Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, yet no effort had been made to stop the attack, and there were also known crisis actors present afterward, such as Lt. Nick Vogt who lost his legs during the Iraq war, not from the bombing.

Consider that Obama has even been sneaking into the U.S. Syrian fighters and relocating them to such places as New Jersey.

Obama is an enemy of the U.S.
Photo: Olga Lednichenko / CC BY 2.0

I have reached a point where to even see Obama on the news turns my stomach. I know he is a traitor, but then so are the members of Congress who are allowing the destruction of our nation.

To Congress, especially the communist Democrats that make up its membership, impeachment is another 4 letter word, but in this case the four letters are “RACE.”

Now the Obama Administration also wants to insure illegal aliens to cover more people. Why not just deport all illegals and their children who according to real law are not U.S. citizens by birth, even as the liberal left lies with claims that they are?

I have documented that Obama is actually a Muslim. YouTube has Obama actually admitting it. But did you know he is also a communist traveler whose mother and mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, were known communists? And Obama and his cohort in crime, Hillary Clinton, were followers of the Marxist Saul Alinski, who wrote the book for radicals.

Obama has alienated the races in America, pitted blacks against whites, pitted the socialist and communist Democrats against the political right, and alienated the police by attacking them for doing their jobs.

Meanwhile, Clinton and Sanders argue over who is more of a communist (or a progressive) by their arguments for social change.

It’s the Democratic wing of politics, so when Obama leaves it will be business as usual. The name on the face of the puppet makes no difference. The name can be Clinton or Sanders. And it makes no difference whether it’s the Democratic wing or the Republican wing — they are both controlled by the same money.

We have witnessed Obama create conflict in one country after another, Syria and Libya, and stack his administration with Muslim plants from the Muslim Brotherhood.

Marcus Tullius Cicero, a Roman philosopher, politician, lawyer, orator, political theorist, consul, and constitutionalist once said:

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

Could Cicero be speaking of Obama?

The lawless years of Obama must end.

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  1. I am absolutely amazed that The Independent has actually published an opinion piece that is critical of Obama. Now I have seen everything.

    • I love President Barak Husein Obama. The best President this country has had in decades. David Brooks said it already. Many sane conservative mints are missing him already. Get enlightment! Know your own and learn.

    • Leave the echo chamber of perpetual hate and life becomes easy and free. Truth exists for all in different shapes and forms. We see and believe only what reinforces our comfortable bed of hate and willful blindness. Pathetic!
      Wake up Jarmi!

      • Wiseoldguy, You seem to have picked the same talking points memo you got from
        (I wonder where), your favorite website. Your repeating your assigned job son. Your entitled to your opinion but, I think I’m awake to what I see as the truth. That’s what make this a free country. You remind me of the 3 Politically Correct monkeys, you know ( see/ hear/ say). Chill out and—
        Wake up Wiseoldguy

  2. Here’s a little info from another perspective from: http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/2014/04/05/obama-exceeds-million-mark-deportations/7340419/#

    “…among some immigration-reform supporters – historically Obama’s political allies – the president has been branded the opposite: “deporter in chief.”

    “That reputation has been further cemented by a milestone being protested today by immigrant advocates in Arizona and around the country: Under Obama’s administration, the U.S. has exceeded 2 million deportations.”

    “The milestone is significant because it means Obama’s administration has deported more people than any other presidents.”

    There’s more. I just pulled out some highlights.

  3. Leave the echo chamber of perpetual hate and life becomes easy and free. Truth exists for all in different shapes and forms. We see and believe only what reinforces our comfortable bed of hate and willful blindness. Pathetic!

  4. As Saint Reagan was so fond of saying, “There you go again!”
    President Obama’s administration has done a pretty good job of keeping America safe. As Trump has pointed out, 9/11 happened on Bush’s watch. Here in the United States, domestic terrorism is more likely to be carried out by right wing nuts. (Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols – 168 victims, Eric Robert Rudolf – 2 dead, 111 injured, Dylann Storm Roof – 9 dead — Even in San Bernadino, Farook was an American-born citizen while his wife was a legal resident. Tell me how Obama was responsible!)
    Ferm’s shrill accusations are clearly just the result of spite and malice of people thirsty for power. Take this total Ferm fabrication for example.
    “We are seeing ISIS fighters coming across our unprotected southern borders, which began long before 2014. They are now going to be released into the U.S per Obama’s orders.”
    The source of the first part is a Republican congressman, Duncan Hunter, quoting someone that he refuses to name. By contrast, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson blasted Hunter’s claims as completely false:
    “The suggestion that individuals who have ties to ISIL have been apprehended at the Southwest border is categorically false, and not supported by any credible intelligence or the facts on the ground. DHS continues to have no credible intelligence to suggest terrorist organizations are actively plotting to cross the southwest border.”
    Hunter doesn’t have anything to say about Johnson’s statement except that somehow he knows better than the Secretary of Homeland Security. Johnson said, “I look at the intelligence reports from overseas, from our southern border, from our intelligence community virtually every day, numerous times a day, to be on the lookout for something of that nature.
    The source of the other half of Ferm’s fabrication is a former border control agent who is now head of their union … a union lobbying for higher wages. Ferm puts these two unrelated and unsubstantiated sources together and comes up with …. ‘ISIS figters are coming across the border and Obama is letting them go’. Complete nonsense.
    Why would President Obama do that? What’s in it for him? On the other hand, Republicans lusting for power and the border patrol union have clear goals that will be advanced by tearing down Obama with lies.
    It’s easy for Ferm to toss off these lies. Checking them out and exposing them for what they are takes a little more effort but it would be easy to do for every one of his claims. Once we see the pattern, I think we can be safe in simply disregarding virtually everything he writes.

    • Mabbutt: are you really as ignorant as you come across?
      Your Communist Idol; Obama kept us safe? what ever you’re somking give it up, it has affected what is left of your brain.

      Ask the people in California and Boston that were attacked by Your friends…Need I say more, Try thinking before you make any more stupid comments…

      • Dan Mabbutt You should by now expect me to attack your lack of logic, lack of thought and ignorance…I have never witnessed someone as mentally confused as you are, but then, I know you get all your information from the left propaganda. You have dogged me trying to attack me personally for the past several months, and in each instance I make you look like the fool you are…This time as usual you did it to yourself…a moron trying to appear relevant. Keep it up and I will make you look even more ridiculous then you currently appear…. maybe if you weren’t so drugged up you would be able to THINK, and not continue to make stupid comments…Get it!
        You lack the mental ability and capacity to take me on! But continue to try, I love how you make your self look to my readers…
        Especially in your mental state! your reply says all that needs to be said…You were outed for your false statement that Obama has Kept us safe, the Talking point of the liberal/socialist left, and a LIE. Your next talking point, I suspect will be guns kill people not people…Moron!

          • Dan Mad Butt…Of course you missed it, You always miss the point….Stop trying to find a come back…You only make yourself look more ignorant then you are, and that’s pretty ignorant! You Liberals haven’t a clue when it come to facts…I’m going to allow you the final word as I usually do, You have already made yourself look about as foolish as you can. Let’s see how more damage you can do to yourself?

  5. Post Script:
    In an earlier post here, I wrote, “Here in the United States, domestic terrorism is more likely to be carried out by right wing nuts. (Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols – 168 victims, Eric Robert Rudolf – 2 dead, 111 injured, Dylann Storm Roof – 9 dead)”
    It is simply too compelling not to add that just in the last week, two nut cases have decided to take their beloved gun and shoot innocent people. (Jason Dalton – 6 dead, Cedric Ford – 4 dead). It is also worth noting that according to the Washington Post, this was the 43rd mass shooting this year. (It’s ONLY FEBRUARY!!); that both of the shootings this week were confronted by law enforcement officials, not armed citizens; and that according to Vox.com:
    “No other developed country in the world has anywhere near the same rate of gun violence as America. The US has nearly six times the gun homicide rate of Canada, more than seven times Sweden’s, and nearly 16 times Germany’s, according to UN data compiled by the Guardian. (These gun deaths are a big reason America has a much higher overall homicide rate, which includes non-gun deaths, than other developed nations.)”
    President Obama represents the voice of reasonable, fact-driven sanity … not the shrill voice of chaos coming from the gun lobby. I wish I could vote for President Obama again.

    • To My communist Friend Dan Mad Butt…Give up on your Liberal Propaganda, You bought the left’s false argument and look like the fool I keep saying you are.

      All the shooters so far have been liberals on medication! McVeigh blew up the building or so we have been told….But I remind you of a CIA Program called MKUltra…which in your world of liberal propaganda doesn’t exist.

      And Sandy Hook never occurred the school My communist friend had been closed (5) years before the casting call for crisis actors went out.

      Cedric Ford was a convicted felon who bought a gun illegally!
      Jason Dalton was another Liberal….You liberals should never own a gun! That includes You Dan Mad Butt…

      Your facts are simply incorrect when you state the communist propaganda:

      “No other developed country in the world has anywhere near the same rate of gun violence as America. The US has nearly six times the gun homicide rate of Canada, more than seven times Sweden’s, and nearly 16 times Germany’s, according to UN data compiled by the Guardian. (These gun deaths are a big reason America has a much higher overall homicide rate, which includes non-gun deaths, than other developed nations.)”

      A False statement….The UK Canada and Australia have the same level of gun deaths the only difference is they have stopped Suicide by guns. Canada recently had a mass school shooting with many deaths

      Obama your Idol is the voice of the communist party USA raised a communist by both his mother and Frank Marshall Davis a Known Communist on the FBI watch list for 19 years…

      Your Moron in chief is nothing more then a hustler who lied his way into the WH and then trashed America…

      Like all Liberal fools you are so easily subjected to propaganda and believe it…Try using your brain….I know, I know you have so little brain matter left after years of smoking pot

  6. Did someone say FOOL? MK-ULTRA? Wow – Both of you guys didn’t even mention the BILDERBERGERS… Shame on you both. Now Make nice Jack – and Dan – you too, although I admit your tone is more civil. Hey how about both of you participating in “Dancing with the local stars” or better yet a debate for charity – (Along the lines of Timothy Leary / G. Gordon Liddy…) Very entertaining exchange. PS. Geithner was a confirmed participant at Bilderberger meeting before the 2008 election. Also GOOGLE Hillary / Obama / Bilderberger / disappearance…


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