Don’t miss a fun weekend of poetry and writing experiences in Southern Utah March 20 through March 21, 2015. Starting with the sixth annual “Poetry in the Park,” a workshop for poets of all skill levels on Friday March 20 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m.—at Zion National Park’s Nature Center. Lola Haskins will be teaching about Beginning: Keep Them Reading and Endings: Know When to Stop. Haskins is an award-winning poet, author of thirteen books of poetry, MFA instructor and writing coach. The fee to attend this one day workshop is $60 (which includes a free one day park entrance and an optional guided naturalist walk in Zion Park), $48 for members of UTSPS-Utah State Poetry Society. To register, contact Michael Plyler 800-635-3959. More info can be found at www.poetry-in-the-park.com, or contact UTSPS-PIP Chair Lin Floyd [email protected]
Housing and carpools are available in nearby St. George. This event is partially funded by grants from National Endowment for the Arts and the Utah Division of Arts and Museum. Utah State Poetry Society partners with Zion Natural History Association, and Zion Canyon Field Institute to present this outstanding event. Don’t miss a stimulating day of exploring your muse in Zion Canyon’s beauty. Also available the same weekend is Redrock Writers Seminar www.redrockwriters.org
Redrock Writers Seminar will begin Friday night March 20 at the Social Hall 47 E 200 N in St. George at 7 p.m. This meeting is free to the public and the speakers will preview their ideas to be presented in more depth at the Saturday Seminar on March 21 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sondra Fraleigh-Professor Emeritus of the State University of New York will discuss Performing Poetry: Every Word is Body. Lola Haskins-award winning poet who teaches for Rainier Writer’s Workshop, a low-residency MFA based in Tacoma, Wa. will discuss “Surprise: How to Sneak Up On Yourself.”
Local St. George poet Shane Williams who publishes delightful humorous children’s poetry books will share some of his ideas on “Laughing is Fun: Changing the World One Smile at a Time.”
Warren Stucki, St. George M.D. and author of four novels in two genres: history non-fiction and medical mystery thrillers will explore “Right Brain vs. Left Brain: Technical Writing Within Fiction”.
Don’t miss the free introductions on Friday night March 20 or the stimulating seminar sessions on Sat, Mar 21. Early registration fees before March 15 are: General Public-$60, UTSPS Members-$50, Full time college students and full time teachers $15, and high school students are free with teacher’s signed recommendation. Contact Seminar Director Barbara Funke [email protected] for more info or see http://redrockwriters.org. This workshops is funded with grants from St. George city.