political cartoon donald trump mexicoFrom Clay Jones on his political cartoon “Hola, Senor Trump,” Donald Trump’s visit to Mexico, and meeting with Mexico’s president, Enrique Pena Nieto

Donald Trump’s campaign isn’t making any sense for one that actually wants to win the presidency. The guy is staging rallies and wasting money in places that’s either in the bag like Texas and Mississippi or in places he has no chance of winning and where the people totally hate him like Connecticut, Washington, Maine, and Mexico.

Mexico? Not New Mexico? No. Mexico. The country. Old Mexico. Trump is going to Mexico (or depending on when you read this, went to Mexico). Not sure if he’s aware that there are Mexicans in Mexico.

Mexico’s president, Enrique Pena Nieto, wants to meet with both major U.S. presidential candidates. Trump has taken him up on the offer and scheduled a hastily planned meeting in Mexico City before he stages a rally later in the day in Arizona where he plans to bitch about Mexicans. For once, someone’s not meeting Trump at Trump Tower.

Nieto wants to discuss issues regarding relations between our two nations. Trump wants a photo op and will probably tell Nieto that he loves “the” Mexicans and has eaten a taco bowl to prove it. Maybe his visit will be an example to Nieto of what it’s like when an undesirable person from another country crosses the border.

I predict Trump will come out of the meeting and lie and say stuff about Mexico willing to pay for his stupid wall that’s never going to happen. Shortly after these lies, President Nieto will contradict everything Trump claims.

I have one suggestion for The Donald during his trip: Drink the water.


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  1. Post prediction analysis = W R O N G. The trip to Mexico City was not only bold, but a relative success. Rest assured Hillary has a strong lead and if the election was held today she would win. However things can change overnight. A Democratic analyst is murdered under suspicious circumstances. Wikileaks mysteriously out of the blue puts out reward money for this individual. Julien Assange indirectly connects the dots to the DNC leak in media interviews. This is not a plot from a Ton Clancy novel. What is contained in the other documents yet to be released by Wikileaks? Things can turn on a dime. The Democratic media outlets like CNN seem to have lost track of this story. Meanwhile who would have ever imagined Julien Assange being interviewed by Kelly on FOX. Tis a strange world we are living in these days.


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