From Clay Jones on his political cartoon “Trump Cup,” how white nationalists are “seig heiling” all over the place, and who really deserves noodles
While many Trump supporters are going to Starbucks and demanding that “Trump” be written on their $5 caramel creme-brulee frappuccinos while whining they’re being mistreated because they’re white, white nationalists are holding rallies and victory parades and “sieg heiling” Donald Trump.
I’m not talking about a couple of good-ole’ boys from the backwoods of North Carolina in a rusty pickup truck yee-hawing about Trump while waving the Confederate flag. These racists are partying in the nation’s capital.
During the weekend, an organization that calls itself the National Policy Institute held a gathering in Washington. While the name lends the impression they huddled together to get all wonky, what they actually did was “hail Trump” and talk about the white race.
Their leader, Richard Spencer, made remarks that suggested Jews are not human and quoted the old Nazi term “luegenpresse” in “the original German,” as he put it, to lambast the “lying press.” He talked a lot about the European race and questioned if some people are people at all, calling fellow human beings “the most despicable creatures ever to populate the planet.” He finished his speech with a “hail Trump,” which the audience joined in. It’s not clear if the “hail” remained a “hail” or if it degenerated into a “heil,” but what is clear is that many members were captured on video giving the old “sieg heil” Nazi salute. If you ever want to hail something, make sure you’re firm with that enunciation. It’s important.
The event was held at an Italian restaurant in the District, which really surprised the owners and staff as the white nationalists had booked the place under the guise of a family reunion. It has to be kinda alarming when you expect people to be enjoying lasagna and breadsticks with their grandchildren and instead you find them “sieg heiling” all around your minestrone. Bastards.
The only way this could get more bizarre would be if a porn star showed up, “sieg heiled” along, and tweeted out a “sieg heil” with a photo. Oh wait. That happened too. Tila Tequila (probably not her real name because if you name your kid “Tila Tequila,” you’re pretty much mapping out a future life in the porn industry) tweeted out a “sieg heil” and was seen in photos smiling with the salute.
The restaurant ended up closing for the safety of everyone involved as protesters showed up. The establishment is so embarrassed by the incident (and who can blame them? Nobody wants to host a Nazi party. I don’t care if there’s cake and balloons) that they’re donating the entire night’s profit, which is $10,000, to the Anti-Defamation League. How about that, Nazis? Your money’s going to Jews. Ha! Ha!
We might have to stop using the “alt-right” to describe these people “sieg heiling,” praising Hitler and Donald Trump together, boycotting “Hamilton,” sprawling Nazi graffiti, intimidating minorities, and screaming about what’s on their coffee cups. They’re white nationalists. They’re racists. The National Policy Institute, Steve Bannon, and Breitbart might be trying to disguise it with new names and descriptions, but they’re hate groups. They’re the worst people in the world, and our president is encouraging and surrounding himself with them.
And they don’t deserve Italian noodles.
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Keep on making those indirect Nazi connections. My great grandfather was killed by a Nazi stormtrooper during the blitzkrieg of Poland in 1939. He was stabbed through the heart with a bayonet. He did burn down his farm and left nothing for the Germans. He also dug a deep hole and buried his wife, children, and assorted relatives under wood sheets. They survived, but some of them were captured later on by Russians and shipped off to gulags in Siberia. Two of my relatives escaped. Now that’s a direct connection to Nazis. Not some trumped up association, that is just pure hogwash. Once again the Clay Jones left wing propaganda machine is spinning its wheels. You don’t have the slightest clue about Nazis. I read “I cannot forgive” when I was 13 years old. It is a story about a man who escaped from Auschwitz. Read that Clay. Then do another Nazi cartoon.