Smith's Food & Drug Stores will stop accepting Visa credit cards but will continue to accept all other forms of payment, including Visa debit cards.
Smith’s Food & Drug Stores will stop accepting Visa credit cards but will continue to accept all other forms of payment, including Visa debit cards.

Smith’s decides it will no longer accept Visa credit cards

By Aubriana Martindale

Smith’s Food & Drug Stores will stop accepting Visa credit cards as a form of payment beginning April 3. Smith’s will continue to accept all other forms of payment, including Visa debit cards.

The excessive interchange and network fees that Visa and its issuing banks charge retailers drive up food prices for all customers. Visa’s fees are the highest of any credit cards accepted in Smith’s and exceed grocery store margins in the highly competitive food retail industry.

Smith’s is the second Kroger banner to decline acceptance of Visa credit cards. It follows Foods Co. Supermarkets in California, which stopped accepting Visa credit cards in August 2018. While no other Kroger banners are presently affected by this announcement, Kroger continues to explore options to reduce the cost of accepting credit cards in order to keep prices low for customers.

“Visa has been misusing its position and charging retailers excessive fees for a long time,” said Mike Schlotman, Kroger’s executive vice president and CFO. “They conceal from customers what Visa and its banks charge retailers to accept Visa credit cards. At Smith’s, Visa’s credit card fees are higher than any other credit card brand that we accept. Visa’s excessive fees and unfairness cannot continue to go unchecked. That’s why starting April 3, Smith’s will accept all forms of payment except Visa credit cards.”

Smith’s employs over 20,000 associates and operates 55 stores in Utah; 45 stores in Nevada; 23 stores in New Mexico; seven stores in Wyoming; and four stores each in Idaho, Montana, and Northern Arizona.

“Grocery is a competitive business, and our ability to keep prices low for our customers depends on controlling costs,” said Kenny Kimball, president of Smith’s. “To help our customers through this transition, we have great offers inside our stores today, including double rewards points towards fuel purchases and other promotions to save on their groceries.”

Smith’s is offering all customers double the rewards points towards fuel purchases through May 21. Additional savings in groceries and fuel are available for qualifying customers.

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