St. George attorney Larry Meyers runs for U.S. SenateSt. George attorney Larry Meyers runs for U.S. Senate

Larry Meyers, an attorney in St. George, recently announced his intention to seek the Utah Republican Party nomination for Orrin Hatch’s seat in the U.S. Senate.

“It’s time for a fresh face in the Senate,” Meyers said. “We need someone who represents the working class, with traditional values. I will be a strong voice supporting President Trump’s agenda and fighting for the people of Utah, rather than for the rich and powerful.”

Meyers is a graduate of Brigham Young University and BYU Law School and previously worked as a prosecuting attorney in Washington County. As the former chairman of the Southwestern Special Service District, he has experience in balancing budgets and providing local community services. Meyers has also served as a Republican county party officer and state central committee member and was elected as a Utah GOP National Delegate in 2008 and 2016. As President of the Utah Republican Assembly, he has served on the Board of Directors of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies, a nationwide conservative organization.

“My top priorities are national defense, securing our borders, cleaning up scandal-plagued federal agencies (such as the BLM and the FBI), cutting spending, balancing the budget, defunding Planned Parenthood, eliminating Common Core, protecting Constitutional rights, and returning Utah’s public lands back to the State of Utah,” Meyers said.

His platform is “I will stand for Constitutional principles.” He has publicly stated his positions on Constitutional government, individual liberty, education, illegal immigration, national defense, public lands and energy, the Federal Reserve, and religious freedom and values:

—Constitutional government: “America faces major threats to freedom in all three branches of our federal government,” Meyers said. “I support a return to limited government under the Constitution, cutting spending and taxes, and returning power to the States and the people.”

—Individual liberty: “America was founded on the self-evident truth that all people are endowed by God with the rights to life, liberty, and property,” Meyers said. “The proper role of government is to protect these rights, so the people can govern themselves. I will defend our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms and fight to stop NSA spying in violation of the 4th Amendment.

—Education: Meyers says that parents should be able to control their children’s education through school choice options at the local level. He publicly opposes Common Core and has said that he will work to defund it and to eliminate the federal Department of Education.

—Illegal immigration: “I support securing our borders and enforcing our laws,” said Meyers. “People must be accountable for their illegal actions. Giving legal status to illegal aliens is wrong because it rewards law breaking, is unfair to those trying to come here legally, encourages more illegal immigration, and is the first step to having millions more Democrat voters. Unlike the incumbent, I will oppose any form of amnesty for those who have entered or remained in our nation illegally. They should return home and apply to return legally.”

—National defense: Meyers is in favor of a strong national defense — citing Ronald Reagan as an influence — and a foreign policy of non-interventionism He supports a well equipped military but opposes foreign wars unless they were fought to defend the country and it’s citizens.

—Public lands and energy: “I will fight for the return of our public lands to State and private ownership,” Meyers said. “I support multiple uses of our public lands and will oppose restrictions on drilling and other energy development. We can solve our economic problems by opening up our lands to energy development.”

—Economy: Meyers said that he believes that financial collapse is imminent if America continues to base its economy on fiat money. He favors a currency backed by gold or silver and wishes to audit the Federal Reserve.

—Religious freedom and values: “I support traditional marriage and oppose the homosexual agenda,” Meyers said. “I support the right to life and overturning Roe v. Wade. I support public prayer, public displays of faith in God, and the right of religious people to participate in government.”

More information on Meyers’ bid for Senator Orrin Hatch’s seat is available at

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