SUMA hosts "Pathfinders: New Territories" quilt exhibitThe Southern Utah Museum of Art at Southern Utah University will host “Pathfinders: New Territories,” a national juried art quilt exhibition, from June 30 through Aug. 26. On June 30, there will be a jurors’ talk from 5 to 5:45 p.m. followed by an opening reception from 6 to 8 p.m. At 7 p.m., the jurors will announce their choice for best of show and two Jurors’ Award winners. These events are free and open to the public. They are also part of the Cedar City Arts Council’s Final Friday Gallery Stroll.

Under the direction of Deborah Snider, 61 artists from 24 states submitted 122 quilts. Working with an online, blind-jury process, jurors Marilyn Badger and Sandra Hoefner selected 33 artworks from 31 artists living in 16 states for the show. The artists selected to exhibit their pieces are Betsy Abbott, Margaret Abramshe, B.J. Adams, Linda Anderson, Pat Budge, Erika Carter, Shannon M. Conley, Vicki Conley, Gabriele DiTota, Marian Eason, Kristine Eberhard, Aileyn Ecob, Deborah Fell, Paula Giovanini-Morris, Debra Goley, Barbara Oliver Hartman, Yunhwa Jang, Nancy Lemke, Niraja Lorenz, Salley Mavor, Susan McBride Gilgen, Lea McComas, Anne Muñoz, Margaret Noah, Linda Oszajca, Karen Post, Kathleen Russu, Maya Schonenberger, Bonnie Smith, Paula Straw, and Vivien Wise.

Since 1991, Badger, from St. George has produced award-winning quilts, winning numerous best-of-show awards around the country and Best Longarm Quilting Awards at all three American Quilter’s Society shows held in Nashville, Des Moines, and Paducah, Kentucky. Badger’s work has been featured in many national and international quilting books and magazines.

Hoefner, of Grand Junction, Colorado, holds a bachelor’s degree in painting and ceramics from the University of Alaska, Anchorage, and a master’s degree in drawing, painting, and mixed media including fiber and assemblage from the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Her artwork is included in national art quilt and fiber publications.

More information is available online.

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