We have gun-free zones now: churches, school campuses, movie theaters, and even unlikely places like military bases. The Liberal dream hasn’t worked out too well there, so how can these flawed-thinking Leftists believe making America completely gun-free would work?
Just a side note: Total gun control has worked out well for Russia, China, and even Germany. Anti-gun ownership laws in Russia allowed the government to murder 20 million anti-Communists. In China, anti-gun ownership laws allowed the government to murder another 20 million anti-Communists. And in Germany, anti-gun ownership laws allowed the government to murder another 13 million people.
Gun ownership is an American fundamental civil right, a fact that would remain even if the Supreme Court had not made it clear in District of Columbia v. Heller.
How do you believe Americans would fair if this rogue government could grab our guns? Are you so foolish as to trust our government?
Schools have always been targets for mayhem-driven individuals who kill for pleasure or for some mind demon that they follow. Why? Because these places have been, by law, areas where no guns are allowed; they are gun-free zones where criminals feel safe.
The first recorded school massacre occurred on July 26, 1764; it is known as the Pontiac’s Rebellion School Massacre, and the teacher and ten students were murdered. Since then, we have had over 300 separate gun-related school attacks, with an excess of 500 children murdered.
What part of this gun violence in a gun-free zone do Liberals not understand?
Churches and military bases don’t fair too well as a gun-free zones either. Take as examples:
– The deadly shooting in Chattanooga, Tenn: 1 killed, 18 wounded.
– The Fort Hood shooting: 13 killed, 32 wounded.
– The Washington Navy Yard: 12 people killed.
And as for churches? How far back in history need we go, and on which side of the debate? Churches have always been targets, if not for killing, certainly arson attacks.
If America were to become a gun-free zone, as the Liberals envision, the rate of homicides would triple many times over as we become victims in our own homes; rapes, robberies and burglaries would become common place for criminals who no longer would have to fear an armed citizen.
The government which has become an outlaw in its quest toward socialism and ignorance of civil rights would bring troops into the cities, marshal law would be declared and those of us who are considered the intellectuals would disappear. This is what has happened in every country where gun-free zones have been established and socialism or fascism has flourished.
Take for example, as offered above, Russia, China, and Germany, where a total of 53 million individuals were murdered by their own government because they had no defense against tyranny.
Here are some additional facts:
– Countries with the strictest gun control laws also have the highest homicide rates. (See Violence, Guns and Drugs: A Cross-Country Analysis, Jeffery A. Miron, Department of Economics, Boston University, University of Chicago Press Journal of Law & Economics, October 2001).
– If we examine firearm ownership and firearm homicide by country, there is no correlation between the two. (See Firearm ownership, Small Arms Survey 2007; Crime, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime – compiled by The Guardian, Gun homicides and gun ownership listed by country)
– The political Left often point to the UK as an example for the utopia of gun control. However, Britain has the highest rate of violent crime in Europe, more so than the United States or even South Africa. They also have the second highest overall crime rate in the European Union. In 2008, Britain had a violent crime rate nearly five times higher than the United States. (Reference: The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S., Daily Mail, July 3, 2009, citing a joint report of the European Commission and United Nations.)
– Gun crimes are not recorded in Britain; therefore comparing crime rates between America and Britain is fundamentally flawed. In America, a gun crime is recorded as a gun crime. In Britain, a crime is only recorded when there is a final disposition: a conviction. Unsolved gun crimes in Britain are not reported as gun crimes, grossly undercounting the amount of gun crime there. (Fear in Britain, Gallant, Hills, Kopel, Independence Institute, July 18, 2000)
– To make matters worse, British law enforcement has been exposed for falsifying criminal reports to create falsely lower crime figures, in part to preserve tourism. (Crime Figures a Sham, Say Police, Daily Telegraph, April 1, 1996)
We could name country after country, and the results would be the same. Those with gun control have the highest homicide rate by guns.
The Liberal establishment and their left-wing media would like to make America a gun- free zone. They have no legitimate argument for their obsession. They live in a fantasy world of their own creation. Looking at the real facts—which Liberals shy away from for the simple reason that none support their position—shows their philosophy’s fallibility.
There is no utopian society the Left strives to create; they live in an illusion of a society that has never existed in the real world and never will.
Widely supported gun bans do not deter crime; the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, signed by President Bill Clinton in 1994, expired and has not had enough support to be renewed. The NRA argues that research shows “assault weapons,” or those certain semi-automatic guns designated in the ban “have never been used in more than a small percentage of firearm-related violent crime.”
The latest movement by Obama, Clinton and Liberal supporters, such as Chuck Schumer, his cousin Amy, and their media allies, shows either the ignorance of the Left or the salutary example of the Communist plan to take control of America by using these useful simpletons to achieve their end.
If we are foolish enough as to fall prey to the misguided, and to give up our constitutional right to be armed, America will become another blot in the annals of history and fall like all great nations before us. It is our duty to ensure this does not happen.
And so I ask you again, my friend, do you want America to be a gun-free zone?
I am reminded of this famous quote: “Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” – Benjamin Franklin.