Donald TrumpDonald Trump cannot be the president of this country. After the latest of an unending and unsurpassed slew of demonstrations of sheer absence of any character, decency, or intellect, even some of his most ardent supporters are now denouncing him.

They are also now asserting that somehow Trump’s vice-presidential running mate, Mike Pence, should fill his spot.


If Trump does the one thing he absolutely should do and bows out of the race, Hillary Clinton becomes not only the first woman to hold the highest office of this country; she also becomes the first one to do it uncontested.

When the the democratic nominee for Utah Attorney General Jon Harper dropped out of the race, Republican incumbent Sean Reyes was set to run uncontested. That is fair. That is how it should be.

Utahns, or Americans for that matter, who say otherwise are demonstrating yet again that the Republican party has all but completely lost its way and is a party of perpetual ignorance that needs to return to its roots.

It is not the fault of those in support of Clinton’s presidency that the Republican party put up one of the most deplorable candidates in the history of this country. It is however, the responsibility of the Republican party to own their place in this election and come back in four years a more responsible and professional party.

It is never a good thing for this country when either side of our two-party system holds a majority, for it diminishes the necessary checks and balances needed to do the most privileged job in this land save service to country in the military, which is that of governing.

As a nation, we have become far too ideologically entrenched and polarized. Honest and rigorous dialogue on matters of consequence have given way to the triviality of a reality television show, and Donald Trump was the pinnacle of that decline. Maybe we have finally reached low enough that the country as a whole will do some deep reflecting and move in an upward and forward direction.

Please, please, let’s make an effort to reform this government.

But not with Donald Trump or the Republican party in the White House. Not this time. They neither won it nor deserve it.

See you out there.

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Dallas Hyland
Dallas Hyland is a professional technical writer, freelance writer and journalist, award-winning photographer, and documentary filmmaker. As a senior writer and editor-at-large at The Independent, Hyland’s investigative journalism, opinion columns, and photo essays have ranged in topics from local political and environmental issues to drug trafficking in Utah. He has also worked the international front, covering issues such as human trafficking in Colombia. His photography and film work has received recognition as well as a few modest awards and in 2015, he was a finalist for the Mark of Excellence Award from the Society of Professional Journalists. Based in southern Utah, he works tirelessly at his passion for getting after the truth and occasionally telling a good story. On his rare off-days, he can be found with his family and friends exploring the pristine outdoors of Utah and beyond.


  1. Agree that Trump should not be elected. Disagree that Clinton should win as if uncontested. The comparison to Harper / Reyes is flawed in that there was no one on the ticket with Harper. Pence is on the Republican ticket and people should feel free to vote for him if they find him more acceptable than Clinton. Not sure how that would work legally if he were to be elected since he would be elected VP and not Pres, but people should still vote for him if you want him to be President.

  2. Oh how I must disagree in context. My answer here is perhaps the conclusion of a metaphorical Sufi tale. Absolutely Trump can be President. PERIOD. It is simply not going to happen in all likelyhood after the release of audio that was a private discourse not meant for the public. The content of that exchange is so deplorable to women, and father’s with daughters, that it puts into question his character as a human being. It further validates previous accusations and cements his reputation as unpresidential to put it mildly. BUT, with only 1% of the Wikileaks data available, to ASSUME Hillary also deserves the office of POTUS and should even run uncontested is not only naive, but shows a clear negligence on your part, or perhaps simple partiZanship on the other side of the spectrum. YOU CLEARLY FORGOT TO MENTION THE WIKILEAKS HILLARY ANGLE. You have officially become the MAINSTREAM MEDIA pushing an agenda based on one side of the story. That’s where I come in. Personally I stand against one sided stories and agendas – i.e.Varlo. The facts are not on the table. I will agree with you on one thing, the dysfunctional Republican party is to blame, and that goes back to 4 years ago with the T partiers attacking everybody that didn’t support their version of conservativism. Where I disagree is that the Republican party will ever have a realistic chance at the office of POTUS again. THEREFORE WE ARE SEEING THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF THE CURRENT TWO PARTY SYSTEM IN AMERICA. The Executive branch now outweighs both the judicial and legislative branches. So Mr Hyland you have now joined the ranks of Van Jones, Rachel Maddow, and O Reilly, as just another one sided journalist pushing your agenda over the American people. The real truth is stored on a wikileaks server, and who can’t say that once it gets out it would put the ball back into Trump’s court. So whether he deserves the Presidency or not is a mute point. Please do your journalistic duo diligence and go research the wiki Clinton emails. Who knows maybe they may reveal that Aliens are cutting a deal with the US government. LOL. I have decided not to vote this year.


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