USU Extension launches online gardening coursesUtah State University Extension launched a series of online gardening courses designed for beginning and intermediate gardeners.

The courses will teach participants about annuals and perennials, basic botany, fruits and nuts, pest management, soil basics, trees and shrubs, turfgrass, and vegetables.

USU Extension horticulturists Mike Caron, JayDee Gunnell, and Jerry Goodspeed are developers of the courses.

According to Caron, the courses will not only help new gardeners but will fill a need within the industry to educate landscapers and nursery professionals, especially those new to the area or industry, in best management practices in horticulture and gardening in Utah.

“The courses may be particularly beneficial in training new employees,” he said. “They also provide training through online means for those who are unable to attend gardening classes in their own communities due to lack of offerings, distance, or schedule.”

Registration is available at The cost is $25 with $5 off until May 1 using the promo code “ROSE.” Contact Caron at (801) 768-4919 for further information.

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