Above print by Royden Card.
Z-Arts hosts Utah printmaking exhibit
By Joyce Hartless
“Out of Print,” a survey of some of Utah’s most important artists’ original prints, will be displayed at the Canyon Community Center in Springdale beginning Feb. 2 and running until March 15.
“Out of Print” represents 25 of Utah’s finest professional artists using the medium of printmaking to create lithographic, intaglio, and relief prints. Printmaking is a fine art using varied techniques and materials to produce multiple “original” works of art. Each piece is considered an original since it is not a reproduction of another work of art and is technically known as an impression. Works printed from a single plate create an edition, and most are signed and numbered to form a limited edition.
The exhibit artists represent a breadth of schools ranging from the super-realism of Edie Roberson to the Mormon Art and Belief movement of Doug Himes. Lee Deffenbach and Tony Smith studied at the Arts Students League in New York City, and Deffenbach studied in Florence on a Fulbright scholarship. Wulf Eric Barsch received the Prix de Rome from the American Academy in Rome in 1975. The work of Paul H. Davis has been featured at the Corcoran Gallery in Washington, D.C. and the Amerika Haus in Hamburg. Portrayed in a Life magazine article as a prominent American artist, Doug Snow’s work hangs in collections throughout the United States, including those of the Museums of Modern Art in New York and San Francisco.
This special exhibit is presented by Z-Arts through the Utah Division of Arts & Museums Traveling Exhibition Program. For more information about the exhibit, email zarts@springdaletown.com. The Canyon Community Center located at 126 Lion Blvd. in Springdale.
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