One of Zion National Park’s most popular and heavily used trails will undergo routine maintenance during the first week of October. Angels Landing Trail will close Oct. 2 at 7 a.m. The West Rim Trail will also close at that time between the trailhead at the Grotto and Scout Lookout.
Through hikers on the West Rim Trail will not be allowed to pass Scout Lookout until after 1 p.m. that day. The West Rim Trail will be open to through hikers for the rest of the week. The Kayenta Trail will remain open. Alternate suggested hikes during this closure are Observation Point and Hidden Canyon Trails.
Trail crews will work on very steep terrain along the Angels Landing Trail. To take all safety precautions, including preventing rocks from falling on visitors on the West Rim Trail below, the park must close both trails to all visitors while work is performed.
During the closure, Zion National Park’s trail crew will perform recurring maintenance including replacing guide posts and worn sections of chain, removing litter and graffiti, and reshaping some of the steps chiseled into the sandstone. The trail will reopen Oct. 7 at 7 a.m.
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