Fake Noose Media
Fake Noose Media by Tina Toon grrrgraphics.com

Oh The Hypocrisy! Democrats Have No Shame or Morals and the Fake Noose Media Will Never Call Them Out!

But we will!

Rep. Ilhan Omar called for the dismantling of not just our nation’s economy, but the entire political system. Add to that her support of “defunding the Police” and the “Breathe act” she is sponsoring along with the rest of the radical Marxist “Squad” members.

Omar railed against the American economic system as being a “system of oppression” and scolded Americans that we cannot allow people to “prioritize profit without considering who is profiting.”

Yes, let’s consider that Rep. Omar.

Who is profiting?

Let’s ask your husband Tim Mynett. Mymett runs a consulting company that Omar has paid a massive $878,000.00 to for “consulting” and emails and such. You know the drill. The nepotism runs deep in Washington DC and is present in both parties.

What upsets us the most is this is all perfectly legal under the laws designed by politicians for politicians to enrich themselves.

Just ask Nancy Pelosi.

Or Hunter Biden.

Or Jared Kushner.

If you REALLY wanted to stop politicians from “prioritizing profit without considering who is profiting” you may want to look in the mirror Rep. Omar.


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