Unfortunately, contemporary American culture is awash in absurdities, and belief in these absurdities is shared by millions of people. Examples are everywhere, but I’ll discuss five that typify the absurdist movement.

Awash in Absurdities

– By Tom Garrison –

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”

Voltaire, an 18th-century French writer, historian, and philosopher.

What does the quote mean? Simply that if someone, or an organization or institution, can convince you that something absurd is a fact, they can further convince you that they know the lines of right and wrong, good and evil. All that is necessary to get you to commit an atrocity is to point to something they say is evil and tell what a good thing you are doing by destroying that evil.

Unfortunately, contemporary American culture is awash in absurdities, and belief in these absurdities is shared by millions of people. Examples are everywhere, but I’ll discuss five that typify the absurdist movement.

I assume everyone reading this reads some sort of news. Did you know that the Associated Press (AP) Style Book, followed by almost all newspapers and certainly every AP story, promotes institutionalized racism? It does.

Read any AP story wherein the race of people is relevant and mentioned. If the person is White and that fact is mentioned, the “w” in white is lower case (w). If a person is Black and that fact is mentioned, the “b” in black is upper case (B). Both words describe a person’s race. Why the difference? Why no consistency?

Here is the relevant section from the AP Style Book:

Black(s), white(s) (n.) Do not use either term as a singular noun. For plurals, phrasing such as Black people, white people, Black teachers, white students is often preferable when clearly relevant.

Imagine the outrage if that was reversed. What can possibly justify treating White and Black people differently in how they are described? There is no rational, logical reason for this. It is an absurdity. It is systemic racism against White people.

There is a joke from the old Soviet Union modified to reflect the AP absurdity.

Two communists were walking along talking about the new communist-style guide for writers. One is a writer and explains that a lower case “w” and upper case “b” are not grammatical and incorrect. The second, a high-ranking party apparatchik, says, “Comrade you are right about the inconsistent use of lower and upper case letters. However, it doesn’t have to be factually correct if it is politically correct.”

Gosh, it’s almost like White people are relegated to the back of the grammar bus as second-class citizens simply because of skin color.

It happened because those who support it buy the absurdist line that disrespecting White folks is no big deal while disrespecting Black people is a very big deal.

Let’s examine the recent Georgia voting law—the Election Integrity Act of 2021. As with Covid, everyone is an expert on this. I’ll narrow the focus for brevity to just the most contentious aspect of the new law—the requirement to show an ID when in-person voting or for absentee voting. In fact, the law contains an exemption for people without ID to provide their Social Security number (line 1244 of the law) when absentee voting. It also allows a potential voter who does not have a driver’s license to receive a free ID card.

The “wokesters” call this racist voter suppression. Is it?

In the last few months, several polls have shown a large majority of Americans, including a majority of Democrats, support IDs for in-person and absentee voting.

Who cares the “wokesters” say, we know what is best. One thing the “wokesters” love to do is to compare American political processes to those in more progressive European countries. A recent survey of 47 European countries showed all but one, the United Kingdom requires a government-issued ID to vote. And in the United Kingdom, voter IDs are mandatory for all elections in Northern Ireland and in parts of England for local elections. No help for the “wokesters” in Europe.

How about our neighbor to the south? Mexico requires a government-issued photo ID to vote. Darn, no help there.

Let’s back up for a minute. Why does anyone need an ID? I think just about everyone has seen the extensive list of activities for which an ID is necessary—obtaining a US passport; driving an automobile; renting an automobile; buying a house; renting a house or apartment; buying liquor; getting a covid vaccination; opening a bank account; cashing a check; boarding a Greyhound bus for any other than intercity travel; boarding a commercial airplane; checking in at a hotel or motel; obtaining many forms of government assistance; being hired for many jobs; and so on.

How racist are the items on this list? Is it racist, or suppressing someone, to require an ID to open a bank account? Or renting a house or apartment? Or getting a US passport? Or legally driving a motor vehicle?

I marvel at the ability of many adults (at least 18 years old) to function in modern American society without a photo ID. That means they don’t drive; don’t buy or rent a residence; have not got the covid vaccination; don’t have any sort of bank account; never take public transportation for other than intercity trips; don’t stay at motels; never had a job requiring a photo ID; and on and on.

But how many US citizens have never done any of the above in their entire life? I imagine almost no adult has missed every situation where an ID is required.

So, is requiring an ID to vote a form of racist voter suppression? If it is, a large majority of Americans disagree. Almost all of Europe and Mexico disagree. And rationality and common sense certainly disagree.

Perhaps Burgess Owens, a member of the US Congress from Utah, says it best when discussing how the new Georgia voting law does not suppress the Black vote.

“What I find extremely offensive is the narrative from the Left that Black people are not smart enough, not educated enough, not desirous enough of an education, to do what every other culture and race does in this country: Get an ID.”

Owens happens to be Black.

The opposition to voter ID illustrates the “woke” Left’s attitude toward Black folks: soft bigotry of low expectations. Gosh, if there was only a word to describe the “wokesters” narrative of racially-based voter suppression. Wait, there is—absurd.

What else have the “wokesters” been up to? How about their drive to undermine the 14th amendment to the Constitution and the 1964 Civil Rights Act—fundamentals in preventing discrimination and promoting equality under the law.

The 14th Amendment is unequivocal: “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States … nor deny any person within its jurisdiction equal protection of the law.”

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. Later sexual orientation and gender identity were included.

Below are three recent examples illustrating the systemic nature of the “wokesters” attack on fundamental equality and fairness.

In March 2021, Libby Schaaf (a White woman), the mayor of Oakland, California, announced a privately funded guaranteed income program, $500 dollars a month to 600 families, with no rules on how the money can be spent. To be eligible, applicants must have one child under 18 and income at or below 50% of the area median income—about $59,000 per year per family of three. In addition, participation in the program is limited to Black, indigenous, and people of color—No White people need to apply.

The reason given for excluding Whites is that, on average, White families make about three times as much annually as do Black families.

According to the US Census, in 2019 Oakland had a population of slightly more than 433,000. It is statistically impossible, and stupid to make such an assumption, that there are no White families at or below the 50% median income in a city the size of Oakland. Thus, the reason stated by the mayor for excluding Whites is, let’s hear it, absurd. A government-run program systematically rejects White people. What do you call that? Systemic racism.

On May 18, 2021, Lori Lightfoot (a Black woman), the mayor of Chicago decided that for her second anniversary in office, she would grant one-on-one interviews only to journalists of color, meaning any but White journalists. Really? Doesn’t she have aides who said, “That is an extremely stupid idea.”

What is it called when an elected government official of the third-largest city in the United States refuses to meet with certain journalists based solely on their skin color? Racism.

Well, that’s just local politics. The federal level is different. Surely the US government is not infected with “wokeism.” If you believe that, you are wrong.

One section of President Biden’s $2 trillion American Plan Rescue Act, becoming law on March 11, 2021, created a loan forgiveness program for farmers under the US Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency. Many farmers get direct loans through this agency. Only “socially disadvantaged” farmers may apply for the program. Specifically, the law says those eligible must be “Black/African American, American Indian or Alaskan Native, Hispanic or Latino, or Asian American or Pacific Islander.”

So, loan forgiveness for individuals has one gigantic qualifier—no Whites need to apply. There are no White farmers who, other than being White, would qualify? Of course, there are. In April 2021, five White farmers began legal action against the federal government over overt discrimination.

“Woke” defenders of this obviously discriminatory program justify it because decades ago Black farmers were denied assistance by the Department of Agriculture. Okay, let’s say that is true. Find the Black farmers who were discriminated against, the federal government has records for everything, and compensate them. How does racially discriminating against White farmers today have anything to do with government bureaucracies treating Black farmers unfairly decades ago? The notion is, again, absurd.

Americans believing the absurdities above (and there are hundreds of other examples) are okay, have slipped deep into the cave of willful ignorance. The “wokester” manipulators—most of the media, large parts of academe, some executives in corporate and non-profit America, a hopefully not too large chunk of the Democrat Party, government bureaucrats at every level, and many vocal celebrities and sports figures—seem to never sleep in their onward march toward atrocities. Fortunately, ideological organizations (or just groups of fanatics) can’t afford rational considerations. Start thinking rationally, and the whole thing falls apart. Here’s too rational thinking.

Will we remain free or become the hive mind of wokeism?




CATO Institute. “The Origins of a Warning from Voltaire.” By Walter Olson. December 20, 2020. https://www.cato.org/publications/commentary/origins-warning-from-voltaire.

Wikipedia. “Voltaire.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voltaire. Last modified June 5, 2021.

Associated Press Style Guide

AP Stylebook. “Race-related coverage.” https://www.apstylebook.com/race-related-coverage

Wikipedia. “AP Stylebook.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AP_Stylebook. Last modified May 15, 2021.

Examples of AP Style Guide in use:

Las Vegas Review Journal. “Minn. Mayor blasts protest response.” By Todd Richmond and Mohamed Ibrahim of the Associated Press. April 17, 2021.

Las Vegas Sun. “GOP seeks to empower poll watchers, raising worries.” By Nick Corasaniti of the New York Times. May 6, 2021.

Las Vegas Sun. “Racism derails Black men’s health, even as education levels rise.” By Virginia Anderson of Kaiser Health News. May 21, 2021.

The Spectrum and Daily News. “People of color more exposed to air pollution.” By Drew Costley of the Associated Press. May 1, 2021.

Georgia Voting Law

The Daily Signal. “4 Myths About the Election Integrity Law in Georgia.” By Mike Howell. https://www.dailysignal.com/2021/04/16/heritage-foundation-fact-checks-the-rhetoric-on-georgia-election-reform-law/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=heritage-foundation-fact-checks-the-rhetoric-on-georgia-election-reform-law&fbclid=IwAR3MsrXANowIlXWECrte5uJCndOUMkyslIzMuVaXx8SrbzOrYCMSpGK8vuE. April 16, 2021.

The Daily Signal. “Exclusive: 21 Black Leaders Denounce the Left’s Lies About Georgia Election Law.” By Fred Lucas. https://www.dailysignal.com/2021/04/20/exclusive-21-black-leaders-defend-georgia-voting-law-as-proper-honest-reform/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=exclusive-21-black-leaders-defend-georgia-voting-law-as-proper-honest-reform&fbclid=IwAR0iSCj1PLrQGioHjaT_O-oBXqDJ6D_Fx3tHYhptuHua86hNvvxGEisJXvI. April 20, 2021.

The Daily Signal. “In Europe, Voter ID is the Norm.” By John R. Lott. June 1, 2021. https://www.dailysignal.com/2021/06/01/in-europe-voter-id-is-the-norm/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=tds-fb&fbclid=IwAR2KN394QBZFgw7BLdoO5suVwCNSBSbNi0uQ-DuZR8mcYq6TL5H7TQcIrcQ

The Daily Wire. “Black Americans Debunk Liberal Talking Point that Voter ID is Racist: They’re Ignorant.” By Amanda Prestigiacomo. https://www.dailywire.com/news/watch-black-americans-debunk-liberal-talking-point-that-voter-id-is-racist-theyre-ignorant?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=benshapiro&fbclid=IwAR1Ywq0O-Jssqcf4rEnLc0EZalR_KlzQ8620GPT07fR7Y_rX5g6QYZtQmlE. April 2, 2021

Georgia General Assembly, Election Integrity Act of 2021. https://www.legis.ga.gov/api/legislation/document/20212022/201121

Statesman. “PolitiFact: Mexico requires photo ID to vote.” By W. Gardner Selby. Updated September 25, 2018. https://www.statesman.com/news/20160923/politifact-mexico-requires-photo-id-to-vote

Tweet by Burgess Owens. April 28, 2021. https://mobile.twitter.com/burgessowens/status/1387534606421856262

USAGov. “Getting or Renewing a U.S. Passport.” https://www.usa.gov/passport. Last modified May 28, 2021.

Washington Examiner. “Burgess Owens blasts critics of voter ID laws and accuses them of racism.” By Andrew Mark Miller. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/burgess-owens-blasts-voter-id-critics-calls-them-racist. March 12. 2021.

Western Journal. “Poll: 77% of Americans Support Photo ID to Vote, Even a Majority of Democrats Agree.” By Cameron Arcand. April 27, 2021. https://www.westernjournal.com/poll-77-americans-support-photo-vote-even-majority-democrats-agree/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=westernjournalism&utm_content=2021-04-27&utm_campaign=manualpost&fbclid=IwAR27fP8HvKAYN6rRj1HZ0gPwJKHr1pWZp8GJOkwNAfgyFiQmhvoiCTXGpZw

Attacks on Constitution and 1964 Civil Rights Act

Associated Press. “Oakland launches guaranteed pay plan for low-income people.” By Adam Beam. March 23, 2021. https://apnews.com/article/oakland-launch-guaranteed-income-low-income-family-of-color-f3c3891bd8b359695ca4c6dc9ba3f8ff

Associated Press. “White farmers seeking loan forgiveness sue U.S. government over racial bias.” April 29, 2021. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/white-farmers-loan-forgiveness-lawsuit-racial-bias/

Chicago Tribune. “Mayor Lori Lightfoot chooses only reporters of color for interviews ahead of 2-year anniversary, sparking debate over media diversity and access.” By Alice Yin. May 19, 2021. https://www.chicagotribune.com/politics/ct-lori-lightfoot-interviews-journalists-of-color-20210519-o6g2ksmaxjditmdainrfvrviia-story.html

Congress.gov. “H.R. 1319 – American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.” https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/1319/text

The Daily Signal. “5 White Farmers Sue Over Loan Forgiveness Only for Blacks, Other Minorities.” By M. D. Kittle. April 29, 2021. https://www.dailysignal.com/2021/04/29/5-white-farmers-sue-over-loan-forgiveness-only-for-blacks-other-minorities/

The Daily Wire. “Latino Reporter Blasts Chicago Mayor’s Reported Decision Not To Do Interviews With White Journalists.” By Charlotte Pence Bond. May 19, 2021. https://www.dailywire.com/news/latino-reporter-blasts-chicago-mayors-reported-decision-not-to-do-interviews-with-white-journalists?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=benshapiro&fbclid=IwAR3rXRnwUuICmlVFpS06z9gjQxX4WPfi6xN0UedhWpviRR3p0zi5lIUuzHA

The Independent. “Diversity: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly Part 2.” By Howard Sierer. March 21, 2021. https://suindependent.com/diversity-the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly-part-2/

Reason. “Basic Income Programs in Marin County and Oakland Exclude White People. Is that Legal? By Christian Britschgi. March 29, 2021. https://reason.com/2021/03/29/basic-income-programs-in-marin-county-and-oakland-exclude-white-people-is-that-legal/

United States Census. “Quick Facts, Oakland City, California.” https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/oaklandcitycalifornia

Western Journal. “Tulsi Gabbard Takes Stand Against Incompetent Leftists, Calls for Chicago Mayor to Resign.” By Andrew Thornebrooke. May 21, 2021. https://www.westernjournal.com/tulsi-gabbard-takes-stand-incompetent-leftists-calls-chicago-mayor-resign/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=westernjournalism&utm_campaign=dlvritfeed&utm_content=2021-05-21&fbclid=IwAR31vwgdhUSmph6REonnQqKufsH5V8gDFbvKEc6uJl9vDUtEmedqX40CIYE

Wikipedia. “Civil Rights Act of 1964,” Last modified June 9, 2021. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1964

Wikipedia. “Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.” Last modified June 2, 2021. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteenth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution

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  1. Tom, Concerning “Those who make you believe absurdities..” like this one, “Make America Great Again” probably don’t understand our financial position of the dollar in the world as it is the recognized financial anchor to the world. This is only one example of our position in the world.
    Though we are having issues in not accepting the social justice of our factual history, I believe our American form of democracy has the flexibility to get over slogans and words like wokes and snowflakes and make the greatest democratic nation in the world” great again”.
    I also have enjoyed the CATO Institute’s white papers, publication for congressional consideration, and an analysis of the militarization of our police forces several years ago. I buy the Cato’s pocket Constitution by the 10 pack and hand them out as small gifts.
    I don’t believe that many of us who live in Southern Utah can imagine the decay of the urban environment to the point where we would wait in line to vote and someone could not offer you a bottle of water while you wait. This would be unacceptable here.
    Once again I see the lefty vs right solution you offer that is sorely dividing our country and as a 48 year resident of the Arizona Strip I witness the popularization of what was not so easily invaded by the current influx of those who have about 10 minutes to appreciate our landscapes before they retreat to their air conditioned environments.
    Let’s get over the slogans please as we address our social inequalities and popularizing what for many of us were hidden gems that are now air conditioned two hour tours popularized to make a buck.

  2. For a close- up & personal look at the bigotry of low expectations take a listen to some of these folks:
    Shelby Steele
    Clarence Thomas
    Carol Swaim
    Thomas Sowell
    Bob Woodruff
    Larry Elder
    That’s a good start.

    In the interest of equity, because oppressed victims, take a listen to these two:
    Oprah Winfrey
    Michelle Obama

    Thank you for being willing to express your opinion on this subject, Mr. Garrison.

    • G Lea:
      Thanks for the list. I’ve been a fan of Shelby Steele, Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, and Larry Elder for many years. The bigotry of low expectations is very real on the Left and has helped keep alive the victim mentality among Black folks, and is condescending as hell.
      Like anyone who pays even a bit of attention to politics and the culture, I’ve heard more than enough from Oprah and Michelle.
      Thanks for your comment.

  3. https://suindependent.com/absurdities-wokeism/
    Comment on Awash in Absurdities
    I thought I’d start with a historical quote also: “Let them eat brioche.” Thank you, Queen Marie Antoinette ~1789.

    It sounds to me like our nice, white hiker extraordinaire, Mr. Garrison is upset at what he perceives is absurd backlash against white folks. Perhaps he has forgotten that for the past 245 years, since 1776, significant discrimination has been prevalent, continuous, and sometimes lethal within the United States of America.

    This discrimination has been covertly or overtly directed towards African Americans, Asians, Hispanics, Native Americans, women, Jews, gay and transgender people, and most all other groups who are not WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) males. Stuff like having a cross burned in your front yard, being pulled over by the police because you are driving in the “wrong” neighborhood, having your home and neighborhood burned to the ground, not being allowed to use public facilities, getting lynched by a mob, not being able to get a bank loan, not being allowed to vote, and oh yeah, being used as a slave.

    It is, perhaps way past time that people in this wonderful country become “woke” to that fact.

    If Mr. Garrison is looking for something that is truly absurd (and perhaps insane), how about this. Catholic Bishops are festering about the fact that President Biden is pro-choice and apparently against abortion. They have been discussing, but apparently decided not to prevent the President or other pro-choice Catholic politicians from receiving Communion.

    The absurdity of this can be seen in the history of Catholic-run Charity Homes in Canada, Argentina, Spain, Ireland and elsewhere around the Globe where mass graves of babies, young children and young women have been found.

  4. Kudos to Tom Garrison for having the courage to point out the insanity of promulgating racism directed toward one group (Whites) to ameliorate perceived wrongs of racism directed at another (Blacks). If everyone agrees that racism is an undesirable condition, then ALL racism (no matter which ethnicity is targeted) should be eschewed and condemned; otherwise, it is simply a convenient political tool.

    I respectfully find Rick+Miller’s reply above both disheartening and disingenuous, because its logic exists on the fault line of retribution and payback and conveniently ignores the broad ramifications of racism, which is an issue that applies to all groups equally. Otherwise, the message is that it is acceptable to apply varying degrees to racism to target groups. If that is so, who gets to decide how much and against whom? Rick+ Miller? Myself? Tom Garrison? The U.S. Government?

    Clearly such a notion is preposterous. ALL racism is repugnant, and any argument that allows exceptions or loopholes suggests support of the condition, which is and should be unacceptable in our society.

  5. Replying to John Perry.
    Looked up the definition of disingenuous to make sure I understood it: As follows:
    Lacking in candor, also giving a false appearance of simple frankness.

    I don’t see how that term or definition applies to my reply to Tom Garrison’s opinion about racism. Nothing in my reply is about retribution or pay back. Just stating the facts of the wide diversity of racism and hate that has been festering within the United States, and which was allowed to surface and promoted by the previous Administration.

    To provide some references on Hate Groups, try these: These lists include a wide diversity of groups with a wide range of different agendas and targets. I think you will find them ”interesting” and most certainly disheartening.






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