Discord Communication
Debate used to be a thing of great adoration but now, debate is slowly being diminished to a corner where those who dare speak up or disagree are vilified and cast out.

Letter From The Editor: Discord And Communication

– By James McFadden –

ST. GEORGE – I am troubled, as are many others in today’s political and media-driven environments, by the lack of candor, respect, and decency we once afforded one another when we disagreed on a given topic. There was a time, not too distant from today when it was considered ‘bad form’ to speak in tones considered condescending, hostile, or threatening but those characteristics are fleeting and often embraced as requisite to ensuring one’s opinions are elevated to a level of fact.

Call me naive if you will, but it seems to me there was a time when we got far more accomplished on a day-to-day basis than we are now able to see happen in a year or more. Debate used to be a thing of great adoration but now, debate is slowly being diminished to a corner where those who dare speak up or disagree are vilified and cast out.

One of the greatest equalizers in life is learning, growing, and coming to understand things in a new light. More often than naught, this can only be achieved when one takes the time to listen to the voices of others and then, only when it becomes apparent there just might be another way of looking at things, are we able to find greatness.

If there is one thing I have learned from life, it is that my truth is rarely ever the same as another person’s truth. How I relate to an event is not always going to be the same experience that others have in relationship to the exact same set of circumstances. This is the thread of life that makes life so amazing! So why can’t we hold intelligent, thoughtful, or enriching conversations anymore without getting so heated we alienate people we have come to love, respect, and admire over the years?

Between social media and the divisiveness of extremism, we have torn ourselves from the very fabric that makes life and relationships rich and fulfilling. No longer are we inspiring one another. How can we when we are too busy trying to belittle and shame one another into believing a set of norms that simply doesn’t come with a ‘one size fits all’ label on its cover.

Throughout my life, some of my closest friends have been those who don’t hold the same religious or political opinions. I would often purposefully seek out great individuals who would challenge my understandings in order to understand the world around me a little better.

Now, instead of having the right to seek these perspectives out, they are being thrust upon us in such a way so as to attempt to force their way into our psyche and God be damned if we don’t embrace and march in line at their beck ‘n call.

This shouldn’t be the way, it’s certainly not mine. Nothing good is coming of it and I can only hope we find our way back to that place where civility and respect are more important than proving this way is right and that way is evil.

They say, ‘it takes a village’. Well, I think it’s time for a homage to the motherland for many of us. Who knows, we might just enjoy one another’s company again if we can strip down the walls and open our minds to another way of looking at things. I’ve been doing that all my life and I for one am not about to stop.

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James McFadden
James McFadden grew up in and around San Diego, California, spending most of his early years living in a small town called Poway. James moved his family here to southern Utah in 2007. He has worked as a publishing, advertising, marketing, and sales professional for over 35 years, spending his first 10 years in the radio broadcasting industry as an on-air personality and event coordinator. James is currently the Editor and Online Content Director for The Independent. He was previously the publisher of Life at Stone Cliff and What's Up Southern Utah, as well as the creative founder behind The Senior Saver. If you would like to reach James, become a contributor here at The Independent, or suggest a column, you can leave a comment below or simply visit our Contact page.


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