Anti-Vaxxers – Perhaps you are one of those conspiracy freaks who thinks they would be “chipped” if they receive the shot.

Good Riddance, Anti-Vaxxers

– By Ed Kociela –

So, you immunize your child with vaccinations required for school, but refuse to take her in for a COVID-19 shot, eh?

Even though wearing a mask has proven to save lives, you refuse because it is uncomfortable and, besides, what gives the government the right to tell you to wear a mask, right?

Anti-Vaxxers refuse to get the shot because a.) There are side effects, and heaven forbid a sore arm for a couple of days; b.) You mistakenly believe you would receive the live germ, as in other vaccinations; c.) Johnny The Idiot Boy who flunked biology posted on Facebook that only a Doofus would get the shot and, besides, they don’t work anyway; d.) All of the above.

Perhaps you are one of those Anti-Vaxxer conspiracy freaks who thinks they would be “chipped” if they receive the shot. Got news for you, Babe, you already are “chipped.” They can ping your cell phone at any time or place to determine your location. Your debit card and credit card leave a trail of purchases that cannot be erased. You cannot use any form of technology and expect to go off the grid.

What is most disappointing about all of this is that those reasons for refusing to be vaccinated are being offered by many people who should know better, people with medical training, a background in science, but a mindset cemented by bullheaded, flat-Earth, conspiratorial right-wingers who would sully the good name of patriotism, infusing their anti-vaxxer rants with words like freedom and liberty.

That’s why although I stand 100 percent in support of taking to the streets in protest, I must shake my head at the gathering in front of St. George Regional Hospital where several hundred protesters lined the streets in anger over a presidential mandate that will require private businesses with 100 or more employees to become compliant with vaccination and testing regulations that begin on Jan. 4, 2022.

In particular, the mandate requires vaccination for eligible staff in all facilities participating in Medicare and Medicaid programs. Nationwide, that will affect about 76,000 health care providers and more than 17 million employees.

What confounds me is that there would be any sort of resistance to being vaccinated against COVID-19, especially among those in the medical profession who should know better. You would think that having seen firsthand the tragedy of COVID-19 that these doctors and nurses and caregivers would do everything within their power to stop the spread of this cursed disease, from immunization to wearing masks. But, no dice.

And, of course, it didn’t take long for the clown car in Salt Lake City to roll out and issue a statement condemning the mandate.

In response to the federal order, Utah Senate President J. Stuart Adams, House Speaker Brad Wilson, Attorney General Sean Reyes, and State Auditor John Dougall issued the following statement:

“The mandate the Biden administration issued is a blatant attempt to exceed well-established limitations on federal authority and infringes upon the rights of private businesses and employees. Biden continues to be tone-deaf to a majority of Americans who oppose mandates.

“Utahns have made it clear they expect the state to oppose this heavy-handed overreach, and each of us will act in our capacities to do so. We will not stand down while Biden disregards the rights of the people and we will continue to stand for civil liberties and freedom in our state.”

Gov. Spencer Cox and Lt. Gov. Diedre Henderson continued their flip-flop, issuing a contradictory statement saying: “We continue to strongly encourage Utahns to get vaccinated to protect themselves and their loved ones and to protect the hospital capacity that we all use. The vaccines are a miracle of science and represent the best way to end the pandemic, but a federal mandate is a heavy-handed overreach that will harden vaccine resistance and polarization. Workplace vaccination and testing policies should remain firmly the prerogative of business owners. We’re committed to fighting the mandate through every possible avenue.”

In other words, if a good, honest, red-blooded Republican issued the mandate it would be one thing, but for it to come from a Democrat, well, that is quite another. Yes, that is the stench of hypocrisy hanging in the air.

Just to keep you up to date, last Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, according to the Utah Health Department, there were more than 6,000 new cases of COVID-19 reported throughout the state. There were 39 deaths over the same period.

If you prefer, here are the odds.

During the last four weeks, unvaccinated Utahns were 15.8 times more likely to die of COVID-19 than vaccinated people, were 10.9 times more likely to be hospitalized, and 4.8 times more likely to test positive for coronavirus.

Thus far, lest we forget, Utah has had 550,604 cases, 3,286 deaths, 24,397 hospitalizations, and 3,756,869 people tested, according to the Utah Health Department.

Those are not great numbers, even for those who like to wager the dark horse.

The thing is, local healthcare providers are not strangers to vaccination requirements. Those who work for St. George Regional Hospital and the parent company, Intermountain Healthcare, already had to comply by receiving vaccinations against such things as seasonal flu, measles, mumps, German measles, tetanus, and chickenpox to protect not only themselves but their patients as well. So, why the outrage over a COVID-19 shot?

Politics, of course.

This has nothing to do with the Constitution.

And, hey, I understand if you have a problem with the government. We all, at some time, get pretty fed up with the circus act along The Beltway.

But, politics and science are two entirely different things and one should not be used to cancel out the purpose and effect of the other.

Refusing to get vaccinated will do nothing to make the necessary changes in governance. Voting does. Active participation in government does.

As far as the health practitioners?

They would be wise to remember a line from the updated Hippocratic Oath, which reads: “I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.”

That means bucking up and getting your shot.

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Ed Kociela
Ed Kociela has won numerous awards from the Associated Press and Society of Professional Journalists. He now works as a freelance writer based alternately in St. George and on The Baja in Mexico. His career includes newspaper, magazine, and broadcast experience as a sportswriter, rock critic, news reporter, columnist, and essayist. His novels, "plygs" and "plygs2" about the history of polygamy along the Utah-Arizona state line, are available from online booksellers. His play, "Downwinders," was one of only three presented for a series of readings by the Utah Shakespeare Festival's New American Playwright series in 2005. He has written two screenplays and has begun working on his third novel. You can usually find him hand-in-hand with his beloved wife, Cara, his muse and trusted sounding board.


  1. ASPIRATION – pulling the needle back the moment before injection to verify no sign of blood and thus the vaccine is not going into a vein. Simple right. Common practice for almost a century now. The Covid vaccines are supposed to be intra muscular only and not entering your vein directly whatsoever. Now odds are that vaccine injection in the upper shoulder is not going into a vein, but it can. ASPIRATION is common practice yet not being done here in the US. And any nurse will tell you that once in awhile you do hit a vein and aspiration prevents the vaccine from going into your circulatory system. Well wonder why 18 -30 strong athletic people are having negative vaccine responses and coming down with mirocarditus? Immediaty after vaccination they have a metallic taste in their mouth. Gee put 2 and 2 together. Aspiration is easy to do and it is unbelievable that it is not being done as normal protocol. Seems Chinese aspirate their Covid inoculations as seen on video. Why not here? See Dr John Campbell YT channel and interviews on this subject. So I am not an anti vaxxer, but I no longer trust the CDC whatsoever as an individual. These vaccines have no longterm studies.. They are experimental. I do not blame people anymore for turning them down. Too many lies nowadays and having to do FOIA requests to get to the truth out of the CDC is also really pathetic… Big Pharma runs the $how. Lastly – according to current data – the vaccinations are not working in the long run. See Israel – Efficacy goes to near 0 after 6 mo. Bottomline the CDC and WHO have no credibility or reason to be trusted whatsoever. As far as masks go nowadays, it is futile unless everyone is wearing one or N95 quality is worn due to increased infection rate. The best strategy – reduce overall exposure time in indoor public settings,, avoid poorly ventilated /small public spaces, and crowds – social distancing is key. More mutations will be forthcoming. Oh and that horse paste medicine called ivermectin that CNN lied about Joe Rogan – we now have a theory on how it likely works if used proactively and in combination with zinc and antibiotics. PS – comes in human form. OR can opt for new Pfiser pill coming out soon at 5000x the cost. Sorry done being a lab rat. Info above is personal opinion always consult your doctor.


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