2020 has certainly brought us some frightening changes. Not only from the pandemic but more poignantly, the demonstrations, protests, and riots that have plagued our Great Nation.

It’s Time to Prepare and VOTE!

By James McFadden

As we reflect on the year that is now just three months away from completion, I hope we can all find some solace and comfort in the blessings that have filled its days and not just focus on the difficulties and disappointing changes in its course.

2020 has certainly brought us some frightening changes. Not only from the pandemic but more poignantly, the demonstrations, protests, and riots that have plagued our Great Nation. A Nation made great by those who came before us.

In just about a month, maybe less for those who may read this later, we are all going to have one of the most significant opportunities the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries has ever granted man here on this little blue planet we call home. We are going to have the privilege of voting for those that will speak for and on our behalf.

Who would have ever thought this Democratic Republic could have been possible on a world that up until 1776 was ruled singularly by Class, Wealth, Lineage, and Oppression?

According to American political scientist Larry Diamond, democracy consists of four key elements: #1 – a political system for choosing and replacing the government through free and fair elections; #2 – the active participation of the people, as citizens, in politics and civic life; #3 – the basic protection of Human Rights for all citizens; #4 – a rule of law, in which the laws and procedures apply equally to all citizens.

Never before, in the history of our Great Nation, has the right and privilege to vote been more important and not because of who is running for office. This year, like all of the years before us, we have an opportunity to send OUR message to the leaders of our Country and to the world.

The United States of America will not be ruled by Class, Wealth, Lineage, and most importantly, WE WILL NOT BE RULED BY OPPRESSION.

This year, when you vote, and I pray that YOU VOTE. Ask yourself these questions… Does this or that person stand for a philosophy of freedom or control? Do they want my voice to be heard or do they want to diminish my voice and turn it over to a committee? Will I be able to choose what is best for me and my family or will I be told I must accept what someone else has concluded is best for me and my family? Decisions that in almost all cases will be made by bureaucrats who are more interested in keeping their jobs than making sure I and my loved ones are happy and safe.

The bottom line is simple, and it is this; PLEASE VOTE! Vote like the air you breath is about to be taken away from you. Vote like the very foundations of our democracy are about to be pulled out from underneath your feet. Vote like the freedoms you enjoy are about to be placed into a box and handed back to you in a way those in charge feel fit. Vote for yourself, your voice, your hopes, and most importantly; so your dreams don’t become inescapable nightmares. Vote, Vote, Vote…

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