A Streetcar Named Desire coming to Dixie State University Jan. 29

The Independent
In association with Samuel French, Inc. and directed by Micheal Harding, Dixie State University brings the famous Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire to the Eccles main stage January 29-31th, and February 3-7th. Widely considered a landmark play, A Streetcar Named Desire deals with a culture clash between two symbolic characters, Blanche DuBois, a pretentious, fading relic of the Old South, and Stanley Kowalski, a rising member of the industrial, urban immigrant class.
The play presents Blanche DuBois, a fading but still-attractive Southern belle whose pretensions to virtue and culture only thinly mask alcoholism and delusions of grandeur. Her poise is an illusion she presents to shield others, but most of all herself, from her reality, and an attempt to make herself still attractive to new male suitors. To purchase tickets visit http://purchase.tickets.com/buy/TicketPurchase?organ_val=21329&event_val=STRT&schedule=list or call the Box Office at (435) 652-7800