I abhor violenceI abhor violence

I abhor violence of any kind. I’m glad young people are finally speaking out about it and hope that they can make some significant changes before it’s too late. However, part of me thinks it’s already too late. Banning assault weapons and bump stocks is a start, but it seems to me that it still wouldn’t get to the heart of the problem. What about the element of surprise? In almost every situation, no one saw it coming. Or, if they did, they didn’t prevent it. Seems that arming teachers may not be that effective. If a gunman thinks a teacher is armed, that is the first person he will shoot. In a recent incident in our community, the wanna-be killer, used a backpack bomb. Luckily, the device didn’t detonate.

I was flying as a flight attendant over 9/11. Our plane was grounded along with hundreds of others, and we were forced to contemplate the amenities of Des Moines for a few days. The airport area is not that scenic. Afterwards, pilots were allowed to carry guns. I flew with a first officer who carried. Because he could never leave his gun unattended, he had to drag it through security if he got off the plane for any reason, even to use the restroom. A gun can never be left unattended, which seems like a huge hassle and possibly a recipe for disaster. I am not comfortable with a gun on an aircraft, even if it’s the pilot who is armed. Someone has to fly the plane, and holes in the fuselage don’t fill me with confidence.

People are always urged to keep guns locked up and store the ammunition separately. If you are thinking about self-defense, that seems counterintuitive. At least I don’t have to keep my can of wasp spray in a locked safe. I’m sure wasp spray isn’t as effective as a bullet, but it would still be faster than trying to get to a gun and load it; and I won’t accidentally kill my spouse. Although I’m sure he would not be pleased if I sprayed him.

So, maybe guns don’t kill people. People with guns kill people. Why kill anything? I may be missing something, but it seems hypocritical to take a stand against gun violence if you or someone in your family hunts. Yeah, I know, some people need the meat. Do they also need the $50,000 SUV’s, the $20,000 ATV’s, hundreds of dollars worth of ammunition, and the huge freezer to store the meat? I will never give credence to that viewpoint. I’m living proof that humans can live quite inexpensively and healthily without eating animal products. What about trophy hunters who spend thousands to kill an endangered species to put on their wall? Thanks to human greed, white rhinos are now extinct, and giraffes are following closely.

In my opinion, killing any sentient being is wrong. If you believe science, humans are highly evolved animals. I’m not sure we are as smart as we think. Seems to me that our dominance may be transitory. There is no doubt that there are just too many of us and that if we continue to exploit our natural resources, including the many other species that share our planet, we will destroy them and ourselves. Unless we start at the bottom and are kinder to all living things, we will not be kind to one another. How does it make sense that we willingly inflict pain, suffering, and terror on other beings but will stop short of killing humans? There is sufficient evidence that serial killers begin torturing and killing animals before “graduating” to humans. Once, they become desensitized, it’s not that big of a leap to kill their own species.

Strong legislation helps, but our legislators aren’t listening, and not too many seasoned killers are law-abiding citizens. There needs to be a strong, collective consciousness condemning violence in all forms. I hope humanity is up to the task.

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