Acting Like a Third-World Country
– By Howard Sierer –
I endorse the well-reasoned words of Senate Majority Leader McConnell opposing President Trump’s call for Congress to reverse the election results. I am appalled that Trump called for a protest at the Capitol on Wednesday and then stood mute while a riot was underway. I join responsible Republicans in calling the action an attack on democracy.
“We’re debating a step that has never been taken in American history, whether congress should overrule the voters and overturn a presidential election. I’ve served 36 years in the Senate. This will be the most important vote I’ve ever cast. President Trump claims the election was stolen. The assertions range from specific local allegations to constitutional arguments to sweeping conspiracy theories.
“I supported the president’s right to use the legal system. Dozens of lawsuits received hearings in courtrooms all across our country, but over and over, the courts rejected these claims, including all-star judges whom the president himself has nominated.
“Every election we know features some illegality and irregularity, and of course that’s unacceptable. I support strong state-led voting reforms. Last year’s bizarre pandemic procedures must not become the new norm, but my colleagues, nothing before us proves illegality anywhere near the massive scale, the massive scale that would have tipped the entire election nor can public doubt alone justify a radical break when the doubt itself was incited without any evidence.
“The Constitution gives us here in Congress a limited role. We cannot simply declare ourselves a national board of elections on steroids. The voters, the courts, and the states have all spoken. They’ve all spoken. If we overrule them, it would damage our republic forever. This election actually was not unusually close.
“Just in recent history, 1976, 2000, and 2004 were all closer than this one. The Electoral College margin is almost identical to what it was in 2016. If this election were overturned by mere allegations from the losing side, our democracy would enter a death spiral. We would never see the whole nation accept an election again. Every four years would be a scramble for power at any cost…
“The framers built the senate to stop short-term passions from boiling over and melting the foundations of our republic. So, I believe protecting our constitutional order requires respecting the limits of our own power. It would be unfair and wrong to disenfranchise American voters and overrule the courts and the states on this extraordinarily thin basis. And I will not pretend such a vote would be a harmless protest gesture while relying on others to do the right thing. I will vote to respect the people’s decision and defend our system of government as we know it.”
“This is how election results are disputed in a banana republic – not our democratic republic. I am appalled by the reckless behavior of some political leaders since the election and by the lack of respect shown today for our institutions, our traditions, and our law enforcement.”
Sen. Cynthia Lummis (R, Wyoming):
“Call it what it is: An attack on the Capitol is an attack on democracy. Today we are trying to use the democratic process to address grievances. This violence inhibits our ability to do that. Violent protests were unacceptable this summer and are unacceptable now.”
Governor Doug Ducey (R, Arizona):
“In America, we practice peaceful transitions of power. We respect the law and law enforcement. The scene at the United States Capitol right now is wrong and has no place in our form of government. All should denounce, and it should end now.”
Sen. Ted Cruz (R, Texas):
“Those storming the Capitol need to stop NOW. The Constitution protects peaceful protest, but violence—from Left or Right— is ALWAYS wrong. And those engaged in violence are hurting the cause they say they support.”
Contrast these remarks from responsible Republicans with how the mainstream media and more than a few Democratic politicians treated last summer’s anarchy and riots.
Left-wing rioters firebombed a Portland federal courthouse, clearly an “assault on democracy.” Others attempted to trap police officers inside a Seattle police station while they set it on fire, reminiscent of Nazi thugs. Numerous riots destroyed city business districts across the country, frequently looting the merchandise of minority business owners.
The right-wing mob attacking the capitol was denounced by the mainstream media as fascist rioters. Yet both the mainstream media and too many left-wing politicians instead described last summer’s rioters and anarchists as taking “direct action” for “social justice.” Seattle’s left-wing mayor had called the anarchist takeover a “summer of love.”
Extreme fringes on both sides are claiming the headlines and influencing the country’s mood far beyond their numbers. It’s time for grownups on the left and right to reshape the debate and reach constructive solutions to the nation’s challenges.
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Howard: Obstructing the progression of American needs and objectives for party before country is our main hurdle.
We have been so successfully been divided in our precepts of equality and justice for all.
Their is no doubt both parties have promoted barriers to economic security for a minority at the expense to the majority.
Progressiveness is not a swear word. We have relied too long on left vs right.
Civil war or civility? Secede or Succeed? The future beckons and how we react now to the current crisis matters.
Update – we are not reacting well. Let’s hope further protests / inauguration ahead resolve without negative outcomes. Meanwhile CNN / MSNBC piling it on and further instilling more division. FOX in a daze. Heck even the My Pillow Guy is in the fray. Senate Impeachment may be post Jan 20. That would result in Supreme Court appeal based on unique precedent. So my guess – ??? All up to McConnell – pass it to Dems and ends up going to SC, and declared unconstitutional in the end. Big waste of time. Or McConnell has the votes and on Jan 19th he decides to derail Trump from ever running again. Not sure what is going on in McConnell’s head, but he holds the cards, and damn he can bluff like a professional poker player.