Hundreds of handcrafted Navajo rugs and fine silver and turquoise jewelry will come to Southern Utah straight from the Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site, the oldest continuously operated trading post in the Southwest. An Amazing Earthfest event, the Hubbell Trading Post Navajo Rug and Jewelry Show will be at the Kanab City Library on May 10 from noon until 8 p.m. Trader Edison Eskeets will provide talks on rug care and selection at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m., and there will be Navajo weaving demonstrations throughout.
Hubbell Trading Post and the Thunderbird Foundation for the Arts will hold a special reception on May 11 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Thunderbird Foundation Gallery to celebrate the historic friendship between J.L. Hubbell and renowned artist Maynard Dixon. The reception will include a Best of Hubbell exhibition and sale, a Navajo rug talk, a Dixon home tour, a National Park Service ranger talk on the Hubbell/Dixon history, a Navajo weaving demonstration, and refreshments.
The Hubbell Trading Post Navajo Rug and Jewelry Show and Thunderbird Foundation Gallery reception are funded in part through an Imagine Your Parks grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, and both events are free and open to the public.
Kanab City Library is located at 374 N. Main St. in Kanab. The Thunderbird Foundation Gallery is located at 2200 S. State St. in Mt. Carmel. More information on the Hubbell Trading Post Navajo Rug and Jewelry Show is available by calling (520) 603-9688 and at wnpa.org.