Attacking Trump will never end
I’m beginning to feel sorry for President Trump.
The attacks on him, his policies, his kids, his cabinet, his staff and everyone who’s ever worked for him as a caddie by the Democrats and the Trump-hate media will never end.
The political attacks keep coming from dumbos in Congress like Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters and the dozens of Democrats who are running for president in 2020.
The judicial attacks keep coming from the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in California, where Democrats routinely shop to get liberal judges to delay or stop Trump’s executive orders for bogus constitutional reasons.
The legal attacks will be coming soon from the Department of Justice’s Southern District of New York, which is using its investigation into the hush-money payments Trump made in 2016 to cover up affairs he had a decade earlier as an excuse to fish around in Trump’s finances.
It will never matter to Democrats what Robert Mueller’s report, Attorney General William Barr or even the U.S. Supreme Court concludes about Russian collusion, obstruction or any other alleged crime Trump did or didn’t commit before or after he became president.
The Democrats and the liberal media will always believe Trump won only because he cheated with the help of the Russians.
They will never let the facts or the truth get in the way of their permanent anti-Trump agenda or their impossible dream of impeaching him.
With collusion with Russia taken off the table (for non-deranged people, anyway), the Democrats and the people who play journalists on CNN and MSNBC will continue to look for anything else they can use to attack Trump.
That includes sliming the reputations or characters of anyone who works for Donald Trump or fails to use their power to bring him down.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller has become the first victim.
For two years he was touted by Democrats and the liberal media as the bipartisan, fair-minded and super-competent Swamp hero who was going find the proof of Trump’s collusion and obstruction.
But now they see him as a bum, a failure, a partisan Republican hack who is part of a great Republican conspiracy to keep Trump in office.
The Trump-haters newest Devil is Attorney General Bill Barr.
Until he wrote his summary of the Mueller Report’s “no collusion” findings two weeks ago he was seen as a fair-minded, by-the-book, respected member of the D.C. establishment.
Now Democrat in Congress are calling him just another untrustworthy Trump puppet who spun Mueller’s findings to please his master.
The Democrats still hate Trump so much for “stealing” Hillary Clinton’s presidency they can never let him win anything in Washington.
Their blind hate has hurt the country.
We’d have bipartisan healthcare reform, immigration reform and who knows what else if the Democrats weren’t so hellbent on stopping Trump from getting legislation he wants through Congress.
There are a million things Donald Trump has done to tick me off.
But I can separate his personal flaws and un-presidential manners from what he’s been accomplishing in Washington — cutting taxes, boosting the economy, creating jobs, etc. with no help from Democrats and too little help from many Republicans.
I don’t know any other human in politics who could have withstood the bipartisan onslaught of hate that President Trump has and still be able to walk around with his head high and a smile on his face.
At this point he can’t be hurt politically by what the Democrats in D.C. say or do, or what The New York Times or Washington Post writes.
But sadly for the health and welfare of the country, the Swamp Democrats and the liberal media will never stop trying to destroy President Trump and his team — even after he’s reelected in 2020.
The viewpoints expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Independent.
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