Best Friends Animal Society celebrates opening of life-saving kitten nursery in Kanab
By Barbara Williamson
Kitten season is in full effect through October, and the lifesaving work of the Best Friends Animal Society’s community cat team in southern Utah just got a boost with the opening of the Best Friends Kitten Nursery in Kanab.
The grand opening of the nursery, located at Best Friends Visitor Center in downtown Kanab, allowed people to look through a viewing window to watch volunteers and staff bottle feed, weigh, and care for the teeny weenie babies and also snuggle the older kittens who all grown up and ready to be adopted.
“Every year, we have about 150 neonatal kittens who need round-the-clock care to help them grow into healthy, happy kittens,” said Janice Dankert, Best Friends Animal Society community cat program supervisor. “Now with our new kitten nursery, we have this safe, sanitary environment where we can care for them. And once these kittens graduate from the nursery, they can be adopted to people anywhere in the United States and Canada. We are really able to educate our visitors on what is involved in caring for neonatal kittens and encourage them to consider volunteering and fostering in their own communities, which will help their local animal shelters and rescue groups save more lives.”
Dankert added that she would love more people in the general Kanab area to sign up to volunteer and foster at the Best Friends Kitten Nursery. For more information, email kanabkittens@bestfriends.org.