BLM seeks public comment for proposed change in management of Paria Canyon–Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness
By Rachel Carnahan
The Bureau of Land Management Arizona Strip Field Office is encouraging public comments on a proposed change in management and other related actions concerning the Paria Canyon–Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness, located east of Kanab and west of Page, Arizona. A public comment period will run until June 21.
The proposed change would increase recreational opportunities and visitor access while preserving wilderness values, as directed in Secretarial Orders 3347 and 3366. The BLM is considering increasing daily visitor limits from 20 people to a maximum of 96 people per day, based on limits established in the Vermilion Cliffs National Monument Resource Management Plan, in Coyote Buttes North where the geologic feature known as the Wave is located. No changes to permit numbers for Coyote Buttes South or Buckskin/Paria Canyon are proposed. The BLM is seeking public input regarding resource concerns, access, recreation opportunities, etc. that would be relevant to the analysis.
Scoping meetings will be held at the following locations:
—June 4: 5 to 8 p.m. at the Kanab Middle School, 690 S. Cowboy Way, Kanab.
—June 5: 5 to 8 p.m. at the Courtyard by Marriott Page at Lake Powell, 600 Clubhouse Dr., Page, Arizona.
—June 6: 5 to 8 p.m. at the Dixie Convention Center, 1835 S. Convention Center Dr., St. George.
Documents relevant to this project will be posted on the BLM’s ePlanning home page at go.usa.gov/xmnHg.
Please provide comments via email to blm_az_vcnm_pcvc_comments@blm.gov. Please include “Paria Canyon–Vermilion Cliffs Comments” in the subject line. Comments may also be mailed to 345 E. Riverside Dr., St. George, UT 84790 attention Brandon Boshell or sent by fax to (435) 688-3258.
Based upon the issues identified, the BLM will assess the appropriate level of environmental analysis and documentation. If you have questions about this project, please contact Brandon Boshell at (435) 688-3241 or blm_az_vcnm_pcvc_comments@blm.gov.
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