BREAKING NEWS: Bundy calls for supporters to shut down I-15, forcibly release his cattle

Cliven Bundy: “We do not want to be policed by these people no more.” — Photo by Alex Ellis
Militia and supporters from across the country gathered today to support rancher Cliven Bundy and defend him from the federal government. When Bundy arrived at the site this morning, militia members marched toward the platform he was standing on and remained in that defensive position for more than an hour. Other militia members armed with assault rifles were scattered throughout the gathered crowd.
Some of the militia members are part of a group called the Oath Keepers, which, according to the group’s website, is a nonpartisan association of current and former military, reserves, National Guard, peace officers and firefighters whose mission is to support and defend the Constitution. According to the website, the group’s motto is “Not on our watch!”
Among Bundy’s demands today, he announced he wants the park service members to give up their guns, and he wants control of the national parks returned to the states.
“We do not want to be policed by these people no more,” Bundy said.
Bundy announced to those gathered that the sheriff’s time was up, and he directed his followers to shut down I-15 and forcibly release his cattle. Bundy’s supporters immediately got into their vehicles to move to the site where the cattle are being held, several miles from the group’s gathering site.