Written by George Scott
The red hills along the city skyline will be filled with people and lanterns tonight. The Southwest Behavioral Health Center (SBHC) Alumni are hosting a Candlelight Vigil at 8pm tonight at the Dixie Rock to remember those who have lost their lives to addiction and/or suicide, to celebrate those in recovery, and to support those still fighting.
SBHC Alumni are a diverse group of people from ALL walks of life that have experienced or been affected by addiction and are successfully living life on life’s terms–SOBER! Their goal is to provide a safe environment for those who have joined the journey by offering love, understanding, and support. They work closely with many agencies by offering peer-to-peer support.
One such group is Reach4Hope. Reach4Hope is a nonprofit group dedicated to suicide prevention and support for suicide survivors in and around Washington County, Utah. Cari Connell Bowler, newly appointed Executive Director, will be speaking at the vigil representing Reach4Hope and AFSP (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention). Bowler will be sharing about her personal experience coming from a family of addicts, as well as losing her husband to addiction and suicide. Amie Richmond will discuss the professional side of the organization. They will have information on what each group provides for support regarding prevention and education along with supporting those who have survived the loss of a loved one.
Today, most people have been impacted by drug use and/or suicide in some way either within their family or close friends. This is an opportunity to unite as a community to cope, find solutions, and discover hope. Although there are many tragic results with drug use, there are also many stories of hope and encouragement from those that have experienced it first hand as a user or the family and friends that love and care for those that have found themselves in the grips of addiction. There is hope, there is support, and there are resources available.
For more information:
Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)