Canyon Community Center exhibits Utah State Fair photography winners
By Joyce Hartless
Opening July 6 at the Canyon Community Center in Springdale, Z-Arts presents prize photography from the Utah State Fair as part of the Utah Arts & Museums’ Traveling Exhibition Program. The exhibit will run through Aug. 6 and features the prize winners from the fair’s annual photography competition.
Photography is fun! More people are enjoying the hobby and business of photography than ever before. Today, it is possible to take and view instantly your work without having to wait for film to be processed.
There are numerous categories in which an individual can enter their work in the Utah State Fair. No matter what your photographic interest is or what equipment you are using, you can produce an entry for the fair that will be enjoyed by those visiting the photography division.
“The photos entered into the fair inspire and challenge others to take up the hobby of photography,” said Curtis Parker, supervisor of the photography division of the Utah State Fair. “Even if you are not involved in taking pictures, viewing them is an enjoyable pastime. Since digital pictures can be processed in Photoshop, it is amazing to see the quality and versatility of the finished product. As the doors open to the public, it’s a joy to watch their expression when they find a ribbon on their print, but whether one finds a ribbon or not, the comment I hear most is ‘I’ll be back next year.’”
To enter your photography in the Utah State Fair, contact Parker at (801) 293-0674.
Located at 126 Lion Blvd. in Springdale, the Canyon Community Center is open Mondays through Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Fridays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturdays from noon to 5 p.m. More information is available at zarts.org.
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