Carly Fiorina Planned Parenthood videosFrom cartoonist Clay Jones about ‘Carly Describes Another Video,’ cognitive dissonance, and Carly Fiorina’s take on Planned Parenthood videos

People who suffer cognitive dissonance are hard to figure out. They believe stuff that’s not true, even after it’s proven and pointed out to them. They’re still all “uh-uh.”

They believe Obama is a coming for their guns, he’s gone on an apology tour, he’s Muslim and wasn’t born in America. You can’t convince them the United States is not invading Texas, Obamacare has not installed death panels, Sharia Law is not being implemented, Eric Clapton did not write “I Shot The Sheriff.”

Don’t get them started on climate change.

Over the past few months, the big lies are the videos of Planned Parenthood, which supposedly proves Planned Parenthood is chopping up dead babies and selling them to make a profit.

Now Republicans want to defund Planned Parenthood, despite the fact that abortion only accounts for three percent of its services and that government funds do not pay for abortion.

Despite the videos have been proven to be heavily edited, deceptive and pushing a lie, conservatives are still promoting them and using them for their argument. They’re even using these as their basis to try to shut down the government. Again.

During Wednesday’s debate candidate, Carly Fiorina wowed everyone with her performance, and she did a good job. She lied, but but she did so convincingly. She went into great detail to describe a fetus taken out of a womb, and while its legs were still kicking, a Planned Parenthood worker discussed keeping the baby alive so they can harvest the brain.

Yeah, nothing like that is in any of the 12-plus hours of these videos. Yet Carly doesn’t have a problem being a liar. It was even pointed out to her by journalists that this scene is not in any of the content. She insisted it is and continues with her argument. This is like trying to convince someone roosters don’t lay eggs.

Having an opinion is fine. But there’s a difference between opinion and fact. If you’re anti-choice, that’s fine, but I wonder how strong is your belief in your cause if you can’t stick to the truth. You have a weak argument if you need lies to advance your agenda.

I understand. You don’t think it’s a lie. It’s been proven as a lie, but you still believe in the lie. You probably have a bigger problem than being a liar. You might be a lunatic.

Now another one of them is running for president.

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