CARTOON Serving RussiansFrom Clay Jones on his political cartoon “Serving Russians”

I’m kinda afraid this idea is obvious and some else will draw it. I gambled.

See! Not everyone who supports Trump is a racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic, troglodyte dumbass. Some people who want Trump to win are actually aware it’ll destroy the United States, and that’s their objective.

Short blog again. Still doing this sans keyboard. It’s in the mail.


CARTOON Serving Russians

CARTOON: “Putin Pulls Out”

From cartoonist Clay Jones on “Putin Pulls Out,” imaginary schools and hospitals, and which Republicans admire Vladimir Putin the most Russian president Vladimir Putin surprised…
CARTOON Serving Russians

CARTOON: ‘Getting Serious With Putin’

From cartoonist Clay Jones about ‘Getting Serious With Putin,’ Bashar Assad, and American foreign policy Golly, did Vladimir Putin dis Obama at Monday’s meeting at…
CARTOON Serving Russians

CARTOON: “Trump’s Dictator Love”

From Clay Jones on his political cartoon “Trump’s Dictator Love,” Donald Trump’s favorite dictators, and how no one wants to be his running mate Donald…
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