From Clay Jones on his political cartoon “Boobs For Trump,” the misuse of the Trump Foundation, and whitewashing Hillary’s misuse of the Clinton Foundation
Donald Trump is such a con man that he had Don King, a fellow con man, speak at one of his events this week.
Anyone who criticizes the Clinton Foundation should stop unless they also include the Trump Foundation in their faux outrage. Conservatives accuse the Clintons of using their foundation to enrich themselves while Trump uses his to buy himself expensive mementos. Quite frankly, the guy shouldn’t even be using money meant for charity to buy himself Mentos.
Trump jilts people for money to pay off other people he jilted. He has used over a quarter-million dollars to pay off legal trouble involving his for-profit businesses. This is a man who has bragged about using other people’s money.
In one case, Trump’s snooty Mar-a-Lago Club faced $120,000 in unpaid fines from the town of Palm Beach, resulting from a dispute over the height of a flagpole. The town offered to waive the fine if the club made a $100,000 donation to a veterans charity. Trump took the money from the Trump Foundation. Yes, that money from a charity went to another charity, but the club was fined, not the charity. That’s the move of a con man.
Trump also used money from the charity to pay for advertisements for his clubs. Why? Because he’s a con man.
In another case, one of Trump’s golf clubs held a hole-in-one contest. There was a winner, but the club said the ball had to travel a designated distance to qualify for the hole-in-one, but Trump’s club moved all the holes shorter than the required distance. Talk about a shell game. Trump lost the lawsuit and spent $128,000 of the charity’s money to pay it off.
In other instances, Trump has used the foundation to purchase a painting of himself at an auction where the winning and only bidder was his wife. For some weird reason, there wasn’t a rush of people who wanted a $10,000 painting of Donald Trump in their home. That’ll give the children and small animals nightmares. He’s also used funds from his charity to purchase a Tim Tebow football and a Florida Attorney General. We’re not sure how much or where the money came from to purchase Chris Christie.
Why does Trump do this? Because he’s a con man. He’s a liar. He’s shifty. He’s a crook. At this time, he’s using his campaign to make money for his businesses. He’s charging his campaign and the Republican party fees for renting his offices at Trump Tower and his Trump jet. When the GOP took over the funding for his campaign, the rent for his offices increased. Go freaking figure. Con man!
Trump has also conned people with his Trump University. Now the ultimate achievement is conning the entire nation to make him president. There are a lot of suckers out there.
Most rich people who have charitable foundations actually donate money to them. Oprah Winfrey has put millions of her own money into her foundations. The Clintons have, too. Trump hasn’t donated to his charity since 1998. He and his surrogates talk about how charitable he is, but we won’t know unless we see his tax returns.
These sort of traits and flaws in a man asking us to trust him with the most important job in the world should be important to voters. The stupid ones don’t care.
I don’t know if Melania Trump has had a boob job. I’m using creative license. There’s been speculation that Ivanka, Trump’s daughter, has had one. I’m not sure if Donald, herself, or a charity paid for those things, but the good news is that Chris Christie’s moobs are all natural.