Some people, if they could, would like to kill the messenger because they’re afraid of the message. Their mind is closed to anything that could disturb their perfectly planned existence or their belief system relating to a specific orientation. They fear it could shake the foundation of their worldview.
This is called “cognitive dissonance.” To hear something that is contrary to their beliefs makes some uncomfortable. It draws out a latent fear of who or what to believe. And to have our beliefs challenged could be frightening and unsettling. But consider that we live at a time of the internet when information is available for those who seek it. What that means for us today is that free speech is more than a right to voice one’s opinion: it carries a corresponding right that also includes the right to receive information and to take the time to consider all aspects of a position.
Today, notwithstanding the mainstream media, more and more information is being exposed. Perhaps it is that we are in an age of enlightenment; it would seem so at least for many of us who have left the dark ages and seek knowledge.
But knowledge is not for everyone, and we should respect the right of those who don’t seek it just as we should respect the right of those that do.
It is said that knowledge was withheld by the Catholic Church for nearly a millennium. They allegedly attacked Galileo because of his assertion that the world wasn’t flat. If this is true, it can be defended that ignorance is a fundamental right of humanity, an extension of the right to be wrong.
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” -George Orwell
As a writer, I am merely the messenger; that is all I am. I try to advance knowledge and dispel false information by individuals or groups that have some vested interest in their report―or propaganda. I aim to keep challenging my readers to think, not to merely believe.
Be mindful that to attack the messenger is to concede the truth of the message, because when no opposing opinion is advanced in argument, it evidences that the attacker had no opposing facts to present.
When I offer my opinion. you are free to offer an opposing view. That is called “discourse.”
You can not validly reply, “He’s nuts” without corresponding facts as to why he’s nuts. That statement is a mere conclusion that has no foundation unless you supply the missing evidence upon which you rely.
You could argue that in my youth I was crazy because I held a belief that our government was only interested in what was in our best interest. Then I discovered that we were deceived to engage in a war in Vietnam and that the Gulf of Tonkin incident never occurred.
I learned the real reason for the Vietnam War was the CIA drug trade from the Golden Triangle, where the CIA operated its own Air America DC3’s to move drugs into the United States. As a 1993 article in the New York Times stated, the CIA has been involved in drug smuggling since the Korean War. Manuel Noriega was in fact a CIA asset.
What history has been silent about is that the French were there for at least 10 years before us and were themselves embedded in the illicit drug trade. Our CIA was there even then and had made all the connections and introductions to continue after the French left.
A 1971 White House survey found that more then 34 percent of our service members fighting in Vietnam were addicted to heroin.
Truth is a big pill many find hard to swallow.
There will be people who place America and our principles above their own personal safety. We call these people “patriots.”
Drugs were brought back into America in the coffins and even in the body cavities of our mortally wounded veterans. That’s another fact we don’t want to believe, although there are conflicting arguments with Frank Lucas saying he did, and Leslie Atkinson claiming the story was made up. Yet I had an inside source: Ted Gunderson, a former FBI agent in charge of the Los Angeles field office, who said that Lucas told the truth. Ted was my co-host on talk radio for about 10 years and a longtime personal friend.
Ted Gunderson’s report can be found here.
We are in Afghanistan for the same reason: opium. Would you be surprised to learn that our CIA is there guarding opium fields and that we are not allowed to destroy them?
Why is this knowledge important?
It is important because it cautions us against blindly accepting our government as the truth-teller, as our benefactor and benevolent administrator.
Rather, government can be malevolent, as history itself professes.
Those who expose government corruption are eliminated by that very government.
Ted Gunderson was poisoned by arsenic.
Gary Webb, a reporter who also exposed the CIA-drug connection, was destroyed. Although he was shot twice in the head, it was deemed a suicide.
Barry Seal, who was to testify against our own government insiders and the drug trade, was murdered.
The list is as endless as time itself and makes a statement about the dangers of exposing corruption, the current poster child being Edward Snowden. Before him, it was Daniel Ellsberg. There will be others as long as government tries to conceal criminal activity. There will be people who place America and our principles above their own personal safety.
We call these people “patriots.”
Some would argue, as I’ve heard, “My country, right or wrong.” Hitler propaganda! In the real world, it is not only our right to stand against tyranny, even within our own government, but it is also our duty as Americans to do so.
Ergo back to the purpose of my opinions, which is to awaken the sleeping giant that has been lulled back to sleep after the Second World War.
I am reminded of these words spoken many years ago by Theodore Roosevelt: “To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”
The world has been here before. History repeats itself for one reason: mankind’s failure to learn the lessons in the first and even the second experience.
So history will continue to offer us the experience until we finally see what is going on.
I am only able to give you information from which the choice is yours to believe, to research on your own, or to deny. But these opinions are mine, and they are a valid expression of the evidence I have researched.
What I am not is a propagandist! If I were, I would be writing for one of the alphabet news outlets. I am by design and training a researcher seeking the truth. If you join me, we will together go on a journey of knowledge and traverse the very deep rabbit hole from where your perception of reality may become distorted (or clarified) by facts.
Meanwhile, you are free to believe a false science propagated by the CDC and the medical establishment if that is your choice. But be forewarned: the medical establishment kills more than 1,000 people a day by negligence.
And the CDC and FDA are controlled by the AMA and the doctors, and the CDC and the FDA were at one time paid by the very companies they are there to examine and the vaccines those manufacturers promote.
You are free to believe the reports put out by our current government. You are free to believe guns kill people and not individuals. But to believe this argument, you must recognize that automobiles also kill people, as do knives and hammers. Where do we draw the line and admit killing is a people problem?
Consider this: Autism is a growing problem. Why?
Consider this: Children are being born with impaired thyroids. Why?
Consider this: Our fish are poisoned with mercury and radiation. Why?
Consider this: Our southern borders are still unprotected. Why?
There are so many unanswered questions that my opinions seek to resolve. but you are free to ignore them and to disagree. That is what free speech is all about.
What a world this would be if we all had the same opinion or all wore the same clothes.
We don’t live in a vacuum or a perfect fairy-tale world.
That is the importance of free speech, my opinions, and your right to receive or reject them.
I truly believe, as George Orwell stated: “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”
Jack’s column this time starts with a common sense discussion about how people often find it difficult to reconcile obvious facts with their own internal beliefs. Well, Ja!! Who could argue with such a fundamental conclusion of modern psychology? That isn’t the problem. The problem is figuring out when your internal beliefs are actually lies. Everybody has difficulty with this. The starting point is to accept that your own deeply held beliefs might actually be lies. Agreed, Jack: “Truth IS a big pill many find hard to swallow.” Open wide!
Ferm then retells some facts from history. He points out that our government lied to us about the Gulf of Tonkin incident. (This was Lyndon Johnson’s lie that was used to justify a war much like Bush used the lie of “weapons of mass distruction”.) Well, Ja again! Vietnam War Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara admitted that the August 4 Gulf of Tonkin attack never happened before he died. Ferm and I MIGHT find some common ground in our opinions about the tragic and disgraceful Vietnam War.
But after that, he’s off into the bog of right wing myth and fable again. Just as in previous columns, dealing with the flood of claims and separating lies from truth is the main difficulty. Let’s dive deeper into just one of the one-sentence fantastic claims.
Ferm repeats the hoary myth about Ted Gunderson with a link to a website that I wonder if he even actually read. Gunderson is sort of an icon to what Ferm’s OWN REFERENCE refers to as “the Conspiracy Nut Grid”. Although Gunderson had a distinguished career in the FBI before he retired, something must have broken in his brain after that because before he died (of cancer, not poisoning, according to his own son – http://www.myfoxmemphis.com/story/18527976/former-memphis-fbi-chief-dies), Gunderson started claiming things like a ” ‘slave auction’ in which children were sold to men in turbans had been held in Las Vegas”. This made him a darling of the AM radio circuit.
With this huge bed of wispy truth/lies/unknowns for justification, Ferm then draws conclusions like:
“the real reason for the Vietnam War was the CIA drug trade from the Golden Triangle”
The “real reason” for the Vietnam War was the military industrial complex that Eisenhower – a good Republican – warned us about in his farewell speech, combined with people’s herd instinct to identify simple causes (“communism!” – “drugs!” – “Muslims!”) to complex problems. It is exactly the same reason we’re neck deep in the Middle East today. As we leftist hippies used to sing back when I was protesting the Vietnam war, “When will we ever learn?”
There is no doubt that the CIA is guilty of a lot of corruption and lies, but they were – and are – just one element of the difficult balancing act of trying to run a country as a democracy in a world filled with violence and dictators. The awful truth is that there are no simple “real reasons” and no absolute truths, as much as Ferm would like to believe that there are.
Ever see the crest of a flash flood? It’s a mixture of water, dirt, logs, rocks … whatever is in the river channel all mixed up and roaring at you. That’s what Ferm’s column looks like to me. I find much to agree with in his long list of government sins. But I don’t agree with the conclusion that all government is evil and all we would have to do is get rid of it and we would all be happy, prosperous and peaceful.
The world just ain’t simple like that.
to view a 6 page long annotated bibliography of
books dealing with crimes committed by FBI agents
rigorousintuition.ca • View topic – FBI WATCH MAKING CRUELTY VISIBLE
Aug 14, 2010 – 15 posts – 3 authors
Material posted here is a data base developed from a conference held for 13 years(1989-2002) that looked at crimes committed by FBI agents.
Mr. Mabbutt, In reading your comments about both Ted Gunderson and Jack Ferm and of course the Vietnam war…you seem to be all over the place but have not provided facts to support any of your arguments, do you have any or are you just making comments to see yourself in writing?
two weeks before the Boston Marathon bombing I posted
” when will FBI agents create their next terrorist event”
A little of both.
But mainly because I think that rabid talk-radio style political hysteria is one of the things wrong with America and I’m doing my bit to counter it. I pick up trash on the roadside when I walk the dog too.
As far as references go, I do provide some when I think anything might be in doubt. For example, http://www.myfoxmemphis.com/story/18527976/former-memphis-fbi-chief-dies is mine. But I also rely on Ferm’s. He doesn’t seem to read his own and I’ve found that I can mine his for all the information in need much of the time.
To view over 300 pages of crimes committed by FBI agents
The website I posted above, rigorousintuition.ca. , is temporarily down.
Here is something to keep you busy until
it is back up
I forgot to mention
http://us5.campaign-archive1.com/?u=84a2c6cbe080c5515da932a5d&id=76486a65f6&e=91763ac8799/11 and Other Deep State Crimes Teleconference
** wtc7 pentagon
** Draft minutes for
Sept. 30, 2015
October 22, 2015
Craig McKee, Secretary 9/11 Monthly Teleconference Call
Draft minutes for the Wed., September 30, 2015 regular conference call
Present were:
Ken Freeland, Teleconference facilitator, Houston 9/11 Truth
Craig McKee, Teleconference secretary, Truth and Shadows
Cat McGuire, 9/11 Truth Outreach
Bill Wilt, Congressional candidate in Massachusetts
Ned Delaney, 9/11 Grassroots
Adam Syed, 9/11 researcher
Adam Ruff, 9/11 researcher
Cheryl Curtiss, Connecticut 9/11 Truth
Mike Cook, AE911Truth
Barton Bruce, Massachusetts 9/11 Truth
Dwain Deets, SD911Truth
Paul Zarembka, The Hidden History of 9-11
The minutes of the August 2015 conference call were APPROVED
The agenda was APPROVED.
* Update on 28 pages and New York Symposium
Ken Freeland filled in for Cheryl Curtiss by providing an update on the latest efforts by a group now calling itself “The Truth Team,” which recently published a critique of the 28 pages campaign and which has raised objections to the content on the hr14.orgweb site. Freeland mentioned that he, Curtiss, and David Atlee have published an article on the subject of the 28 pages, which was published on Global Research and Truth and Shadows. In the absence of Barbara Honegger, Ken Freeland also provided a few details about the recent New York Symposium, which dealt in large part with the 28 pages and which featured Bob McIlvaine as a speaker.
The teleconference returned to the symposium later when Curtiss joined the call and gave a report, offering a number of criticisms of the event
* Analysis of Chandler presentation
Craig McKee made a presentation critiquing the Pentagon presentation given by David Chandler at the 9/11 Truth Film Festival on Sept. 10 in Oakland CA. He reported that almost all of the talk was devoted to supporting important elements of the official story.
* Announcements
1. Bill Wilt informed the teleconference about the Massachusetts 9/11 Fall Foliage Tour. This involves visiting 14 locations that have 9/11 connections. He also commented that the book by Rebekah Roth, mentions many sites in Massachusetts.
2. Cheryl Curtiss pointed out that Paul Craig Roberts has a new book out called The Neoconservative Threat to World Order.
3. Curtiss also mentioned that her group attended the Maine organics farmers fair and was given 20 copies of the new AE911Truth booklet Beyond Misinformation for the group to pass out.
Call began at 8 p.m. EST and adjourned at 9:30 p.m. EST/5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. PST
Audio of the July call can be heard here: http://houston911truth.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=84a2c6cbe080c5515da932a5d&id=755c4b7494&e=91763ac879The next monthly teleconference will take place on October 28 at 8 p.m. EST, 5 p.m. PST. Please email agenda items for next call to facilitator Ken Freeland (diogenesquest@gmail.com) by October 24. Please use subject line “Agenda item for 911 Truth Teleconference.”
« * Dugway’s “Chief, Life Sciences Division” and the “Requesting Investigator” both likely would know the disposition of the 340 ml. virulent Ames shipped June 27, 2001 that USAMRIID cannot track
* I have asked Bruce Ivins’ superior by email today to explain the justification for the missing 340 ml. of virulent b. anthracis Ames shipped from Dugway to USAMRIID on June 27, 2001
Posted by Lew Weinstein on October 25, 2015
This entry was posted on October 25, 2015 at 11:17 am and is filed under Uncategorized. Tagged: *** Dr. Bruce Ivins, dugway, june 27, USAMRIID, virulent ames anthrax. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
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